It seems that by the table provided concerning the emissivity of metals,
dark materials are within .85 - .95% even at 1000C. So, the 10% error,
claimed by the paper, is accurate.

2013/5/21 Akira Shirakawa <>

> On 2013-05-21 04:09, Jed Rothwell wrote:
>> I just read this paper for the third time. This is a gem. [...]
> Luboš Motl seems to think otherwise, but I think he's adopted an
> excessively negative view probably due to personal bias against CF/LENR in
> general:
> impressed-by-cold-fusion.html<>
> Tommaso Dorigo is another apparently highly regarded skeptic who isn't
> exactly convinced by the latest paper by Levi et al.:
> fusion_real-112511<>
> I hope you'll have fun debating with them.
> Cheers,
> S.A.

Daniel Rocha - RJ

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