If CF/LENR technology finally manages to get off the ground in the
commercial sense it may still face a very difficult uphill political battle.
It's possible obscure organizations, like ALEC, American Legislative
Exchange Council, may try their best to destroy cold fusion's commercial
potential before it has a chance to get out of the starting gate. ALEC is
well funded by corporations with deep pockets who want to get their business
agendas passed through both the state and national legislative branches.
They accomplish this by remaining as discretely as possible under the radar
of public awareness. 


Bill Moyers June 23, 2013 installment documents recent successes ALEC has
managed to pull off. You can stream the show from your computer or IPAD at:






It would appear that this particular installment spends some time analyzing
ALEC related influences that recently transpired in Wisconsin. ALEC was very
much interested in making sure Scott Walker got elected Governor of the
state. What happened immediately after Scott's election is now a matter of
record, as well as the occasionally intense and acrimonious controversy that
followed. I am a Wisconsinite who has lived Madison since 1967. As such, I
expect to see some familiar faces pop up in the Moyer's show.


But this particular Bill Moyers show is not really about what happened,
exclusively, in Wisconsin. It's much bigger than that. Collectively
speaking, as a nation of individuals, it's important that the population be
aware of just how powerful corporate run organizations ALEC have now become,
and what they are capable of doing to our lives.



Steven Vincent Johnson




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