You seem like a reasonable person - why not use your real name? Maybe I should 
assume it really is Blaze. 

"I write a little. I erase a lot." - Chopin

 From: blaze spinnaker <>
Sent: Friday, July 26, 2013 8:30 PM
Subject: [Vo]:My top three credible links for non believers / newbs:

(Not for pathoskeptics, who I ignore, they bore me with their repetitive noise)

1. (Navy Patent)
2. Soinen's patent (In
particular pointing out the pyroelectric fusion)
3. (I point out all of the 7 employed
academics stand by this report still, even after skeptical criticisms)

Mostly I'm trying to come up with links that are hard to ignore /
debate.   Ideally they'd be relatively fresh and come from people who
aren't amongst the widely known usual suspects in this sort of thing.

I like to avoid meta links which are just links to more links.

I'd love to hear other suggestions!

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