According to Kiplinger's anonymous sources there have been advances in
desalination technology. This will help out parched coastal cities that need
additional supplies H2O. Next-generation water filtration equipment,
enhanced chlorination systems and other big breakthroughs are in the process
of being perfected and commercialized. This will result in a new wave of
desalination plants in just a few years. It will affect Both U.S. and
foreign coastal cities. Who expects to profit? DuPont, Dow Chemical, GE and
other manufacturers. In the U.S. Calif. (no surprise there) and the Gulf
Coast are likely to be large markets. According to Kiplinger there are
currently eight plants in the works in Texas, Mississippi and Louisiana.
Overseas, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Japan, China and Australian cities such as
Sydney and Perth are assessing the technology.


I wonder how much energy these new plants will consume. IOW, assuming
CF/LENR technology takes a lot longer to evolve, how much will a gallon of
desalinized water cost under the current energy paradigm.


Hmmmm. I should check my mutual fund portfolios. I wonder how much DuPont,
Dow Chemical, GE holdings I might have in them. Regardless of whether
CF/LENR technology matures or not those companies are likely to prosper very
well in the future.



Steven Vincent Johnson

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