One of the essential functions that the Ni/H reactor does is to convert
heat energy into EMF energy.

The 5 micron micro particle with nickel nanowire coating is the first step
in the energy conversion process.

Surface-plasmon-induced drag-effect rectification (SPIDER) , which is based
on transfer of the linear momentum from decaying surface-plasmon polaritons
(SPPs) to the conduction electrons of a metal nanowire. The SPIDER effect
bears a promise to generate very high terahertz fields in the vicinity of
the metal nanowire.


Giant Surface Plasmon Induced Drag Effect (SPIDEr) in Metal Nanowires

Giant surface plasmon-induced drag effect (SPIDEr), exists under conditions
of the extreme Nanoplasmonic confinement. Under realistic conditions, in
nanowires, this giant SPIDEr generates rectified THz potential differences
up to 10 V and extremely strong electric fields up to 10^5-10^6 V/cm.

In the micro-particles that start the energy conversion process from heat
to EMF, the nano-wires are optimized to produce extreme voltage and high
frequencies. The nanoparticles that contact this high voltage field then
generate additional dipole motion but that motion is now amplified by EMF
fields in the millions of volts and ultra-high frequencies.

Like a high voltage tesla coil, the primary produces extreme dipole
oscillations that are further amplified by energy conversion and transfer
down a network of connecting nanoparticle chains

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