See Details index:

OR (bigger!):

The second field is now names "All Authors." It contains all author names,
separated by commas.


1. Click the "Search" button on the top of the screen.
2. In "All Authors" enter a name, such as "McKubre."
3. Click on the "Search" button on the bottom to finish.
4. You should see all papers with McKubre as First Author or in "All
Authors" (as a co-author).
5. On the top right of the screen, in blue writing it says "All Authors
Contains McKubre" -- the search parameter.

6. Press "Search" again and add the keyword "tritium" and you see fewer
records. On the top right it now says "All Authors Contains McKubre and
Keywords Contains tritium"

I also improved the Complete Bibliography (old ASCII version). See:


My next project is to install a many-to-many relation where several papers
can be in one document, such as one of Jean-Paul's journals. So that, for
example, when you look up

John O’M. Bockris, "Evidence Concerning the Mechanism of the Nuclear
between Deuterium and Tritium" it will be in the index and it will open
this file:

It would be nice if I could get it to jump right down to p. 31, where that
paper begins, but last I checked that feature in Acrobat did not work. If
anyone knows how to open an Acrobat file and jump to a specific page,
please contact me. (Please do not suggest I read the Adobe documentation. I
would rather wade through broken glass. It is even worse than Microsoft


I had to update my local computer's version of XAMPP to do this, which is
kind of a nightmare. This freeware stuff is poorly documents and chaotic in
structure. It gives me dire warnings even though it is actually working:

"Port 3306 in use by "C:\xampp\mysql\bin\mysqld
--defaults-file=C:\xampp\mysql\bin\my.ini mysql"!
MySQL WILL NOT start without the configured ports free!"

I also had to get the latest version of EndNote. That works a lot faster
but unfortunately this software is still chock full of bugs. For example,
the import/export feature barely works. You have to use many stupid tricks
such as importing "Note" into the "Name of database" field and then moving
them en mass to the right field. Because the "Note" exports but does not
import. It goes out but it don't come back in. Many other fields are
scrambled in ways I have not yet untangled.

I suspect that only a programmer from the 1980s would think to use such
stupid tricks. It is second nature to me. Back then, most software barely
work, or did not work at all. I did things like making a file with 120,000
records with an operating system and language that only supported 32,000
records. You don't want to know how. It wasn't pretty.

Thank goodness computers nowadays work so well, and software is so reliable
and fast.
< /sarcasm >

- Jed

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