Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:

Does anyone else see that the explanation given by Godes is pure word salad
> having no relationship to reality. The description is in direct and basic
> conflict with what is known and accepted in science.

I do not know enough about theory to judge that. Here is what I do know
though. I had a long pizza dinner with these people and several other
others. During this meal, I tried repeatedly to pin them down to some
specifics about the calorimetry and the nature of the equipment. I did not
want to know trade secrets. I wanted to know how big, how hot, how many
watts in, how many out, how long has it run, how did they measure it. I got
nothing. Nuuu-thing but blah blah blah about theory and about their earlier
unrelated technical triumphs. That gave me a bad feeling.

Maybe there are specifics in this video. I have not watched the whole
thing. I can't abide any more blather. I heard hours of that already.

- Jed

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