It is supremacist for the government to test its social theories on
unwilling human subjects.

It doesn't matter how much "evidence" one can bring to bear in sociological
journals, let alone pundit pieces in the fashion press of the
intelligentsia, in support of this or that social theory; imposing them on
unwilling human subjects violates humanity.

Quite aside from the fact that "correlation doesn't imply causation",
thereby rendering any mountain of data-collection incapable of scientific
proof of causality in the social sciences, it is more compassionate to let
people learn live out their strongly held beliefs and thereby learn from
their mistakes then it is to engender their unquenchable hatred.

On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 2:18 AM, Peter Gluck <> wrote:

> I recommend to all my friends to read
> It is a paper from a series authored by my Blog associate Georgina
> Popescu. Gina is a very wise
> finantist- as Nassim Nicholas Taleb.
> I think this formulation:*"*I do not believe that we will solve our moral
> dilemmas by splitting the wor* **ld into 99% vs. 1% - the poor and pure
> vs. the rich and rotten." *has to become a meme-like quotation.
> Finance, it seems is an excellent school of complexity.
> The series 'Ways" is about the Crisis- a problem solving approach;the
> Crisis is actually a b....y bunch of intertwined wicked or even intractable
> problems that can be solved only by applying Rule 18- change the premises.
> The same is true for LENR.
> Peter
> --
> Dr. Peter Gluck
> Cluj, Romania

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