
Money is not Wealth! Exactly. But the goods and services produced depends in large part on the amount and allocation of money in society. In our current society money not only allocates goods and services it also effects the level of production of those goods and services. You assume in your example that the printing of $100 circulated in society simply chases the same # of goods and services. That isn't even close to true. If on the other hand the printing of $100 simply doubled the goods and services produced there would be no change at all in the value of goods currently held, no inflation no doubling in cost just twice as much to allocate. This is much closer to the current reality.

As long as this notion exists that we are allocating scarce limited wealth (resources), we can never embrace the true reality of unlimited resources.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Craig" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 12:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Switzerland considers giving every citizen $2,800 a month

On 10/21/2013 12:51 PM, H Veeder wrote:

Instead of being a cash transfer, basic income would work like a
decentralized mint, where individuals would be ascribed the power of
limited legal tender creation.


Printing money is no different than if every person had a tax placed on
all of his available cash. Let say, for example, that there is $100
total in circulation in society. Then if I print another $100 and start
spreading it around to people to use; then everyone who does not receive
a portion of the new $100 that I printed will find that the money they
have will not buy as much, because the new $100 will be spent into
society and will bid up the prices.

Money is not wealth. Wealth is the goods and products that people
create; and the services they provide.


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