Hi all,

Maybe you remember of the battle to make Lenuco (George Miley) get
nominated for a Future Energy Ultra Light Startups contest. We lose but we
lose "avec panache".

LENR Cars have just been selected to compete in the in the Future Energy
online pitching contest organized by Ultra Light Startups.


All enthusiast about LENR should think about voting, and calling their
friends to support that start-up.

LENR-Cars is a start-up focused on application of LENR for vehicles.
Nicolas Chauvin have an interesting network (including the founder of
Logitech, whom Nicolas worked for). He is an experienced "serial innovator".

Sure LENR-cars is not (yet?) a reactor builder like Rossi or Defkalion, but
they are the symbol of an emerging class of LENR companies focused on
applications. A generation of engineer trying to harness that new energy.

Beyond LENR-cars start-up, by pushing this LENR application start-up, you
will push LENR into the light, with hope to have media get interested.

If any LENR start-up win the challenge I hope that it will be a media bomb,
like what Elforsk Perspektiv should have been.

Not sure we will win, but sure if we don't support LENR even more than last
time, the observers may consider that LENR is a dead horse. We have to do
better than last time.

And if LENR-Cars miss their target, but with more votes than Miley, maybe
next time Miley, LENR-cars, or another will win because of the generated
momentum !

Probably you asked "What can I do to make LENR go faster". You have the
answer !

(published on http://www.lenrnews.eu/lenr-cars-to-compete-upon-vote-arpa-e/

Hope this helps

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