Charlie Sheen will have the upgraded (XXX)pod traveling companion :)

On Tuesday, November 19, 2013, Jones Beene wrote:

> (X)od is the next big thing.
> (X)od goes beyond mere AI (artificial intelligence) into the holy world of
> Capitalism, where it is device-free, voice-and-thought controlled and
> totally ensconced "in the cloud" ... but as a "must have" service which is
> personalized to every customer.
> Needless to say it will be brought to you by our friends and neighbors at
> Google at a substantial monthly cost. (i.e. whatever the market will bear,
> starting about $250/mo with Glass, including mandatory training seminars).
> (X)od is all-knowing, non-physical and omnipresent and growing (learning)
> on
> its own as we speak at the rate of terabytes/day. You could call it a
> mashup
> of Siri, Cyc, Watson, Wiki, Deep Blue, expert systems from all fields, a
> personal secretary, physician and legal staff ... and most importantly,
> seamless integration into every end user's needs. Basically... the name
> (X)od is a word-play on "X-on-demand" where X is either the sum and
> totality
> of human knowledge and experience... or... you-know-who (X=G). (X)od is
> pronounced as "zod".
> (X)od is the natural progression of ... well ... of "natural selection".
> Those with (X)od on their side (that would be "on their brow") will
> survive,
> multiply, and inherit the Earth, and the rest will be left to their own
> devices, so to speak.
> Not sure of the exact roll-out date, but (X)od was always the secret and
> hidden motivation behind Google Glass. In fact, Glass hardware has been
> available for some time but the delay in perfecting the natural voice
> recognition part of (X)od for the Red States has been the holdup :-)
> Jones
> CAVEAT For those who do not read vortex on a regular basis, the occasional
> spoof is not unexpected, nor is a real prediction made to look like a
> spoof.

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