                Dr. Robert Wood, McDonnell Douglas Aerospace:
                I have concluded that whatever the source of the propulsion
gravity control is, is the same as the source of to release energy. And once
you find one you find the other. And I also think you probably get a good
hint on how psychic things work....   listen to

This video/interview is definitely worth watching, whether you believe in
the reality of UFOs at any level, or not.

In the strong sense of "alien life visiting earth from an advanced planet
light-years away" - the UFO phenomenon may have no physical reality in your
world-view (and it has have none in mine) but nevertheless, Dr. Wood offers
an explanation of how a superconducting charged toroid would be able to defy
gravity at an attainable level of field intensity. (you will need to dig a
bit deeper than this video to understand what he is saying at the 8+ minute

IOW - even a UFO skeptic would have to agree that this kind of antigravity
is ultimately provable and has arguably been demonstrated by now in some
black program, given the amount of funds which has been thrown at the

As to whether that makes the alien-life UFO more "real" ... given the fact
that the saucer geometry can contain a toroid, whereas other more
(seemingly) aerodynamic geometries cannot ... well, this could be
"coincidental" even if the saucer sightings go back to an era when the
antigravity properties of an electrostatic object in a self-field was not
known... and thus the "reality" of UFOs must go to a level deeper than
physical - into the ontological question of "what is real." 

Is not a strong meme just as real, indeed more real, than a physical object,
in terms of its ultimate influence on behavior? Is not any meme transferable
without physical indicia?

There is almost no doubt that the "UFO meme" is an influential reality on
earth now, and even a decent probability that the meme was purposely "sent"
here in a non-physical way from elsewhere. That is about as "real" as real
can ever be. 

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