-----Original Message-----
From: pjvannoor...@caiway.nl 

At the Dutch university I have seen 100% reproducible excess heat effects
with solid fuel mixtures, specified by Mills. Further they studied the
plasma cell experiment which was first successfully reproduced by Prof
Conrads a renown plasma physicist [snip] The problem with all these systems
is that they have or a low energy density or they produce the energy in a


I have little doubt that what you say is largely true, but what you neglect
to say completely warps the "big picture" of the recent history of this
field. In my opinion, History will conclude that the net impact of Mills'
contribution to alternative energy, which could have been greater than any
inventor, will be net negative, due to what can only be called short-sighted
self-interest (aka greed or capitalism at its worst). 

Mills and BLP for the last 8 years, or more, have actually held back
progress in the larger field, instead of promoting the early adoption of a
technology which society needs. This is due to the blind advocacy of a dying
theory which does not hold up in practice, and the likelihood that BLP's
prodigious portfolio of IP will be essentially worthless if they had moved
to market too soon. 

The BLP IP can be viewed as becoming essentially worthless because it has
not changed over the years to match real results, and it cannot be melded
into a larger LENR theory and retain his monopoly position. Mills process is
basically nuclear at some level. IOW, it is LENR and that is something which
Mills cannot tolerate, since it signals defeat after 24 years of competition
with LENR.

History will show, IMO that BLP could have brought a commercial energy
device out, long before Rossi's demo, had they not worried about the long
term nuclear effects of the device and loss of IP. 

Even before the "sold fuel" reactor, Mills experiments were very likely to
be showing the slow buildup of transmutation products. Yes, we all agree
that this evidence of transmutation was 1thousands of times lower than the
excess heat, just like with Rossi - but still the very presence of any
radioactivity at all, essentially nullifies the Mills hydrino theory as
being unique and protected. We can now almost pinpoint the precise level of
transmutation-free operation.

That is the bottom line - trying to support a crumbling theory and a
potentially worthless patent portfolio by withholding working devices. 

I am almost certain that Mills was seeing small amounts of radioactivity
even before the Capstone affair and that essentially he and his team
cancelled an early working device to protect his patent status. A few PhDs
actually left BLP at this time, and IMO history will show that they left in
protest. How often do top level scientists leave such a promising startup

Since that time, the BLP team has tried to eliminate the transmutation
problem by going smaller, and with different reactants - all in keeping with
a theory which asserts that they cannot be present. Someone at BLP has no
doubt come to realize by now that they are left with what is an
"occasionally nuclear" process - and one which can NOT be fully defined by
Mills' theory. 

Rossi's results show that a device can be run for days without much of an
activation problem, possibly giving up nearly a megawatt level of heat- and
Thermacore's results show the same: that even with more than 100 kW of
excess heat, there is little physical activation problem, only a patent law

Yes- one can blame "capitalism" instead of BLP for this predicament, but it
is what it is - and our World is a not the same World it would have been if
society had avoided the extra 4-6 trillion dollars it has spent on oil, in
the interim. 

Most of that sum was sent to our enemies in the Middle East. Since the
earliest time period when BLP could have released a working machine, the
World balance of power has shifted far away from the USA. Yes, that machine
would have been copied with impunity, and even benefitted China more than
the USA, just as Rossi's will be, if it is for real. But what is overlooked
in all of this patent and economic strategy talk is the geo-political
reality of oil - supply and demand, including constant wars to obtain and
protect oil. 


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