for people interested there is a french (and italian translated) book by a
famous architect Yona Firedman : feasible utopia

one key analysis is that the size of a group that can organize correctkly
is limited by human capacity to communicate efficiently...

maybe any method (communism, socialism, libertarianism, aristocracy) can
work in small group and allow good adaptation and happiness...

as the group get bigger, either it have to split, or it fall in sclerosis.
This is what seems to be the case in western countries...

this books should be translated in english...
the network discussion seems strange to me (have to read slowly), but many
ideas match the observation.. I did not read the "solution" part yet, it
may be bad... bu the diagnostic match what I observe at many scales, in
many domaine including politics, science, business, computers.

2014-02-27 17:57 GMT+01:00 Hoyt A. Stearns Jr. <>:

> I'd say the same thing about socialism or fascism: "Wouldn't it be nice if
> human nature were different than it is,  then this would work."
> The trouble is  it isn't and isn't changeable either.
> *From:* Jed Rothwell []
> *Sent:* Tuesday, February 25, 2014 7:56 PM
> Libertarianism is like Leninism: a fascinating, internally consistent
> political theory with some good underlying points that, regrettably, makes
> prescriptions about how to run human society that can only work if we
> replace real messy human beings with frictionless spherical humanoids of
> uniform density (because it relies on simplifying assumptions about human
> behaviour which are unfortunately wrong).
> - Jed
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