Lithium is another secret sauce candidate. From your reference, LiH
decomposes at 1,000C. The "Mouse" must attain a minimum temperature that
reaches at least 1,000C. After the heat pulse of the mouse, then lithium,
hydrogen, and LiH dust particles would have been produced at the
termination of the "Mouse's" heat pulse.

*Potassium hydride*, KH, is the inorganic compound of potassium and hydride.
It is a white solid, although commercial samples appear gray.

As a secret sauce, potassium hydride operates at a lower temperature than
LiH. KH decomposes at 400C. The "mouse" must only attain a minimum
temperature that reaches at least 400C.

Rossi said that he tried various chemical combinations of his secret sauce
and used the one that worked best. Now that he is using a hydride to
provide hydrogen to his system. If you knew the minimum startup temperature
of his reactor, you could use that value to deduce the correct hydride
based secret sauce that he is now using.

The hydrogen release temperature is the major pacing factor now in secret
sauce performance.

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