Regarding Dr. Yeong E. Kim and his theory about Defkalion's reactor

I have heard from two reliable sources that Kim based his theory papers on
information provided to him by Defkalion. Defkalion "would not let Kim get
close" to a reactor. One source says: "They only provided him with data
that they claimed was from experiments. Dr. Kim based all of his
observations and writings on what DKG provided."

He did not perform his own measurements at all.

As I said, my sources say Kim was barred from accessing the machine. I
guess it is possible he never asked to take measurements, or he did not
want to. Either way, he looks bad.

If he did *not* want to make measurements, that is irresponsible. If he is
not good at hands-on experiments he should have brought along a grad
student. Or he should have written in the paper: "This is based on data
provided by Defkalion. The author has not observed the machine in operation
or taken any data."

If he *did* want to take measurements, but they refused to let him, he
should have packed his bags, gone home, and reported they are a bunch of

- Jed

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