Hi all

In reply to Jones Beene on the matter of who the author is referencing:

I agree the paper does not reference *Mills *other than in passing where
the author states in the introduction:

"Numerous experimental data on low energy nuclear reactions assisted by the
crystalline environment [1-3] leave little doubts about the reality of
LENR, but a comprehensive theory of this phenomenon remains a subject of
debates [2-4]. Some of the proposed models attempted to modify conventional
nuclear physics by introducing various types of transient quasi-particles
and structures such as Hydrino, Hydron, Hydrex etc. that were expected to
lower the Coulomb barrier. Other, less radical, models pointed out at the
possibility of screening of the Coulomb barrier by atomic electrons.
Comprehensive review can be found in refs [2-4]. However, none of these
models can explain even qualitatively all salient conditions required for
the LENR, which have been summarized by McKubre et al [2] as follows..."

So he is not supporting the Hydrino theory that Mills and blacklight power

*Ahern *is also not mentioned in the paper. Would you care to mention where
you think the paper supports Ahern's view?

*Storms* is referenced a couple of times:

Page 6
"The above mentioned results demonstrate that the increase of concentration
of the highenergy light atoms with increasing temperature is attributed to
the thermally-activated excitation of gap DBs in the sub-lattice of light
atoms supporting essentially nonlinear localized vibrational modes. These
findings are of primary importance for the concept of LENR driven by DBs,
since they point out at the two ways of creation of the so called “nuclear
active environment” (NAE, as defined by Storms [3]), which is associated
with an environment supporting DBs in the present paper. The first way is
thermal activation of DBs in the sub-lattice of D or H within the compound
nanocrystal, in which the heavy component is represented by a suitable
metal such as Pd, Pt, or Ni. This way seems to be the basic mechanism for
the LENR observed e.g. in specially treated nickel surface exposed to
hydrogen at high temperatures (see refs.76-79 in [3]). The second way is
the DB excitation by external triggering such as the atomic displacements
in the course of exothermic electrolysis at metal cathodes (majority of
LENR experiments) or due to energetic ions, obtained by discharge in gas
containing hydrogen isotopes (see refs. 48, 49 in [3]). Naturally, both
mechanisms may operate simultaneously under LENR conditions, and this
synergy should be reflected in a viable model of DB excitation, the
construction of which is attempted in the next section."

Page 10
"Small size of PdD particles is required since the triggering of DB
creation occurs due to the propagation of the vibrational energy from the
surface (by quodons, focusons etc.) down to some depth, and the smaller is
the particles the more atoms can be involved in the DB creation, i.e.
become “nuclear active”. This is manifested in the model by the inversely
proportional dependence of the power output on the particle size (see Fig.
12 (a)). Storms [3] underlies that “not all small particles are
nuclear-active, other factors must play a role as well". From the point of
view of the present model, this can be explained by a crucial role of
impurity atoms that can strongly affect the phonon spectrum of PdD.
Although impurity atoms are localized and their concentration may be low,
they may change the phonon spectrum of the whole crystal and extend it into
the DB range, which would suppress the DB formation and make the particle
"nuclear inactive" (or vise versa!). This consideration may be a useful
tool for the search of the “nuclear active environment” (NAE) by the way of
doping the Metal-D or MetalH crystals with elements changing the phonon
spectrum so that to mediate the DB creation."

The paper does reference *Swartz:*

Page 10
"In the introduction we sited the problem formulated by McKubre et al [2]
concerning the coupling of the adsorption/desorption reaction energy into
modes of lattice vibration appropriate to stimulate D + D interaction.
Indeed, in spite of a number of models trying to take into account the
phonons, i.e. packets of wave-energy present in a lattice, as the LENR
drivers (see e.g. refs to Hagelstein, Swartz, and F. S. Liu in [3]), one
could not help feeling that something important was missing in the theory.
Phonons were expected to move energy between nuclei, thereby creating
enough localized energy to overcome the Coulomb barrier. But phonons are
plane harmonic waves, essentially delocalized in the crystal, and the
amplitude of atomic vibrations in harmonic range does not exceed ~0.1 Å
[30], which is absolutely insufficient for the tunneling at any observable
rate (Fig. 13), whatever the underlying mathematics is. In contrast to
phonons, DBs, also known as intrinsic localized modes, are essentially
localized atomic vibrations that have large amplitudes of ~ 1 Å, which, at
least in principle, can bring atoms very close to each other in the
anti-phase oscillation mode. DBs can be excited ether thermally at
sufficiently high temperatures (which are above the temperature range of
typical radiolysis) or by external triggering producing atomic
displacements in the subsurface layer, which facilitate the DB creation. "

I hope this makes the paper clearer for us all.

Kind Regards walker

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