In the past, Rossi ran his reactor is self sustain mode for some hours, but
had control problems. So the heat from the reaction can drive the reaction
without the application of external power. The problem is that Rossi cannot
control the reactor well when in self sustain mode because there is no
negative feedback on the reaction.

I am sure Rossi will explain this all very soon. And I am sure that DGT
will. They both will have verified their theories with experiments. I will
be interesting in reading their work I will also have an informed opinion
on their theories..

On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 9:19 PM, Foks0904 . <> wrote:

> Also this thing is absorbing huge amounts of energy, from both the nuclear
> reactions & the environmental temperatures of the system, and maintains
> these very delicate nano-whisker structures & BEC. That's a lot to ask of
> one mechanism. The BEC's also maintain themselves somehow during
> heat-after-death. If true, this would certainly have revolutionary
> implications for the next generation of radiation shielding, right? How can
> you experimentally prove such a thing?
> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 9:11 PM, Foks0904 . <> wrote:
>> So this how can we experimentally prove this hypothesis? Widom-Larsen
>> refuse to subject theirs to test.
>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 9:05 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:
>>> Polariton production must be strongly pumped. In Rossi's system the
>>> pumping is done by the mouse or primary heater. In the DGT system the
>>> pumping is done by the arc discharge. This pumping produces dipole
>>> oscillations on the surface of the micro particles. Dipoles produce the
>>> electrons and photons that combine to form polaritons.
>>> When the heat or the arc is discontinued, the reaction will eventually
>>> die. In a hot system, the BEC dissipates after the reactions have
>>> stopped so it will still protect against after life gamma's. When Rossi ran
>>> his systems cold with little dipole electron production, he did see gammas
>>> at shutdown.
>>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 7:27 PM, Foks0904 . <> wrote:
>>>> How does the BEC-polariton shield maintain its existence without
>>>> applied current -- similar to when power is shut-off to a system and
>>>> demonstrates heat-after-death power generation? The electrical input goes
>>>> away, cold plasma goes away, BEC shield goes away, but the reactions
>>>> persist, so we should observe storms of radiation during those periods,
>>>> which we do not. Same problem as WLT, or no?
>>>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 7:19 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:
>>>>> This is way a LENR system will work for awhile and then died a slow
>>>>> death. A BEC leeps a reactor going for months without damage to the nano
>>>>> strutures.
>>>>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 7:11 PM, Foks0904 . <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Axil -- this sounds a bit similar to Widom-Larsen's magic gamma
>>>>>> shield. Maybe there is evidence for energy distribution in a BEC 
>>>>>> polariton
>>>>>> system -- but these are observed only outside LENR systems, in very
>>>>>> selective environments, and last I checked all NiH generating systems 
>>>>>> don't
>>>>>> require the existence of a cold plasma either. In those systems no BEC
>>>>>> would form, and a truck load of gammas would result.
>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 7:08 PM, Axil Axil <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> The BEC buffers the release of energy by widely spreading it out
>>>>>>> over many NAE. The is something called quantum mechanical blockade that
>>>>>>> makes sure no one NAE get more energy than the others.
>>>>>>> When there is no BEC formed, a gamma is produced by the sole NAE and
>>>>>>> the NAE is destroyed. A LENR system that produces gamma is eating 
>>>>>>> itself up
>>>>>>> and will soon fail.
>>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 6:31 PM, Foks0904 . <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Axil -- OK, but how is the fusion reaction initiated in this model?
>>>>>>>> The magnetic nano-antennae traps bring the hydrogen to the NAE (which 
>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>> what exactly?) and then what happens? Basically Kim's theory? Where 
>>>>>>>> else,
>>>>>>>> experimentally, has a BCE exhibited the tendency to initiate fusion?
>>>>>>>> Why would the BEC "protect [nano-wire] from destruction"? BEC's
>>>>>>>> themselves are not known to exist at the temperatures we are
>>>>>>>> positing. Therefore how can they protect anything if they themselves 
>>>>>>>> should
>>>>>>>> not maintain an existence at much higher temperatures? I know the 
>>>>>>>> claims
>>>>>>>> for creation of "room temperature" BEC (Michigan group I think) -- 
>>>>>>>> none of
>>>>>>>> which show BEC can exist at particularly high temperatures in a chaotic
>>>>>>>> environment, form in copious amounts, or initiate any kind of fusion
>>>>>>>> reaction. This seems like another way of stating Hagelstein's view, 
>>>>>>>> only he
>>>>>>>> doesn't posit the necessity for a BEC or plasmons, whereby he explains
>>>>>>>> energy dissipation through a quantum coherent sharing process across 
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> lattice structure & hydrogen clusters via phonons (aka quasi-particles 
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> same as polaritons).
>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 6:16 PM, Axil Axil <>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> The way power flows from the fusion reaction to the lattice is
>>>>>>>>> based on the formation of a global BEC. The nuclear reaction feeds 
>>>>>>>>> the BEC
>>>>>>>>> power in small packets, hundreds of thousands of energy packets  
>>>>>>>>> spread
>>>>>>>>> quantum mechanically over all the members of the global polariton 
>>>>>>>>> BEC. The
>>>>>>>>> nickel nanowire does not enter into the nuclear reaction. It only 
>>>>>>>>> projects
>>>>>>>>> a magnetic force that causes the nuclear reaction to take place. The 
>>>>>>>>> Energy
>>>>>>>>> from the LENR reaction flows back through the magnetic field lines to 
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> soliton which is the BEC ensemble member at the tip of the nickel 
>>>>>>>>> nanowire.
>>>>>>>>> The BEC of polaritons is what protects the nickel nanowire from
>>>>>>>>> destruction.
>>>>>>>>> Similar energy sharing is seen in the BEC of Rydberg atoms. That
>>>>>>>>> BEC is called a super atom because it act like one huge atom.
>>>>>>>>> This is also how dark matter polariton clouds form at the centers
>>>>>>>>> of dwarf galaxies to form a polariton BEC of dark matter carried by
>>>>>>>>> interstellar dust as the substrate that is 100000 parsecs in diameter.
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 5:58 PM, Foks0904 . <>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the comment Jojo. I think you make a fair point(s).
>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 5:48 PM, Jojo Iznart <
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>   In all this talk about the NAE being a Nanowire, a nanotip, a
>>>>>>>>>>> nanoantenna, a nanomesh, a nanospike, a nano coating on a nano 
>>>>>>>>>>> particle,  a
>>>>>>>>>>> nano-this and a nano-that; people seems to be forgeting the fact 
>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>> whatever nano structure the NAE is, it will not survive the 
>>>>>>>>>>> temperatures
>>>>>>>>>>> we've seen being demonstrated; especially with Rossi's hotcat.
>>>>>>>>>>> Is it not obvious to anyone that whatever whatever the NAE is,
>>>>>>>>>>> it couldn't possibly be a nanostructure of Nickel.  Nickel will be a
>>>>>>>>>>> homogenous blob of partly molten metal at the temperatures we are 
>>>>>>>>>>> talking
>>>>>>>>>>> about. And it is known,  that it will sinter and reshape itself 
>>>>>>>>>>> even at
>>>>>>>>>>> temperatures significantly below its melting temp.   In other words,
>>>>>>>>>>> GOODBYE NAE.  At best, it is a one-use NAE.  An NAE that is a 
>>>>>>>>>>> nanostructure
>>>>>>>>>>> Nickel appears to be highly unlikely and improbable.
>>>>>>>>>>> That is why, I'm with Ed on this.  People come up with theories
>>>>>>>>>>> that conveniently ignore the chemical environment.  In this case, 
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> physical melting or sintering point of Nickel.
>>>>>>>>>>> Axil's theory while sounding erudite and well-researched, has a
>>>>>>>>>>> big hole in the middle of it.  Big enough to drive a Mack truck 
>>>>>>>>>>> thru.
>>>>>>>>>>> Unless Axil can explain how his Nano antenna NAE can survive the 
>>>>>>>>>>> temps, It
>>>>>>>>>>> is my opinion that his theory is dead.
>>>>>>>>>>>  I broke my self-imposed exile just to say this.  It seems that
>>>>>>>>>>> there are many theories being bandied around that simply breaks very
>>>>>>>>>>> important principles.  Whatever you think of Ed's book, he makes a 
>>>>>>>>>>> very
>>>>>>>>>>> important point, we should not simply ignore the chemical 
>>>>>>>>>>> environment, or
>>>>>>>>>>> physical properties of metals, or thermodynamic principles, etc if 
>>>>>>>>>>> they do
>>>>>>>>>>> not fit our theories.
>>>>>>>>>>> Jojo

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