Sure, you can be optimistic and read it that way; but it seems clear in the context of the statements, that the "Polarized opinions" is the reason. Reason for what? reason for not giving pre-statements about a timing or content of the report. Why would any polarized outside opinion be the reason for any delay in the timing of the release? or affect the content of the report?

It seems clear. The testers can not agree on what to write. This can only mean some think it is positive, some think it is negative. They can't agree like a hang jury.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Alan Fletcher" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 11:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Polarized ECat Testers

From: "Jojo Iznart" <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 8:07:08 AM
As reported in e-catworld. It seems the TIP2 testers are having a lot of disagreements; hence the delay in the release of the report. This does not bode well for the ECat. I have been one of a few that think too many warning flags have been seen lately regarding the ECat. Chances of it being a Scam has increased.

I don't read it that way --- "The response I received was that they realize there is a great amount of interest in the report, but that because of polarized opinions surrounding the LENR and E-Cat, it was not advisable to give any pre-statements about the content of timing or the report."

The "polarized opinions" are those in the outside world, not within the team - which wants to get it right. And, quite correctly, say "nothing to nobody" until the report's out.

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