I thank you Jones and I hope the idea will be tested experimentally. soon.

OTHER: because you have a special talent for analysing new ideas and
trends, please tell e what do you think/know about the Solar Hydrogen
Trends technology, do you think they can really convert oxygen in hydrogen?
If this is real, than a new gate was opened.For us it is like Mizuno NiD

On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 5:10 PM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

>  Thanks for posting this - as it brings up a number of valid points and
> ideas for experimentation. Ironically one of the least valid is a
> relationship to Mills’ CQM.
> Moreover, it is also a bit confused about application to anything other
> than a methodology involving nanotubes and/or an acceleration effect which
> is benefiting from the Casimir force in a dynamic way. But that is worth
> focusing on since we know that ring current is real.
> In short, this is far from Mills theory – almost to the point of absurdity
> - other than to suggest that there are other ways for energy to derive from
> electron orbital reorientation over time, which is greater than chemical.
> But the good news here is the nano-acceleration or “sphincter tube” effect,
> or the Luttinger liquid effect, which have been covered here before in
> various ways. There are a couple of threads from O’Malley, Roarty and
> myself – and with valuable input from others on details of how this could
> happen.
> It is high time for an experimentalist with ready access to various kinds
> of CNT - to make a name for himself with a device which focuses on setting
> up ring currents in CNT to accelerate ions (from a spillover catalyst) –
> possibly in an a magnetic field orientation to simply accelerate hydrogen
> in a preferential vector. The choice of CNT could be critical to this both
> dimensionally and with other physical parameters. The Casimir effect is
> restricted to a narrow range of geometries.
> *From:* Peter Gluck
> Dear Friends,
> Please see this - just published:
> http://egooutpeters.blogspot.ro/2014/09/dr-randell-mills-about-cold-fusion.html
> The situation is complex.
> Peter
> --
> Dr. Peter Gluck
> Cluj, Romania
> http://egooutpeters.blogspot.com

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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