Majorana fermion: Physicists observe elusive particle that is its own

What is a particle anyway? Are these majorana-fermions actually solitons?
Could this particle be a topological knot in a EMF spin liquid? How would
we distinguish the EMF field emanations of a SPP soliton from that of a
majorana-fermion? Are magnetic monopoles really majorana-fermions. Could
what these researchers have found really be a SPP soliton that just look
like a majorana-fermions?

It seems that majorana-fermions are formed at the tips of superconducting
nanowire. All thin nanowire (AKA one dimensional) are superconducting.
Could majorana-fermions be formed at the tips of hydrogen crystal nanowires
or at the ends of the water crystals that LeClair has seen his cavatation
experiments? Could majorana-fermions be an important factor in LENR.

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