Blaze Spinnaker <> wrote:

> I'm betting he's a fraud, simply because the probability of him doing this
> is too incredible.  What he's done is nothing short of miraculous.

It is more miraculous than what Fleischmann and Pons and several hundred
other groups have done. Do you think they are all frauds?

In any case, your hypothesis does not get a free pass. If you say this is
fraud, and you want anyone here to take you seriously, you will have to
suggest a plausible way in which Rossi could carry it out. I do not mean
the isotope changes; I realize it is physically possible for someone to
swap the samples by sleight of hand. I mean how would he fool the
calorimetry for 32 days when he was not present, and when none of
instruments belong to him? Is Rossi capable of changing the
Stephan-Boltzmann law? Can he magically alter an IR camera?

If you cannot present a plausible, step-by-step description of how he did
this, you are assertion has no merit. You might was well say, "it was
caused by invisible unicorns."

>   It is total inflection point in the progress of humanity and all that we
> know.

That inflection point came on March 23, 1989. In the long view of history,
Rossi is a minor incremental improvement to F&P.

- Jed

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