On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 9:22 AM, Bob Cook <frobertc...@hotmail.com> wrote:

 If any of  LENR energy were produced by radiation or particles not stopped
> by the reactor vessel, such energy would escape detection by the Lugano
> instruments.  Neutrinos and low frequency RF could be such radiation.
> However, with exception of potentially Axil Axil and myself, this community
> seems to believe that undetected radiation is not present.

The E-Cat container material will be transparent on the high and low ends
of the EMF spectrum.  On the high end, there are energetic x-rays and
gammas.  On the low end, there are radio waves and possibly microwaves.
Assuming David Bianchini is not horrible at measuring ionizing radiation in
the higher range, we can rule out energetic x-rays and gammas more than a
certain fraction above background.  That leaves only the low end of the EMF
spectrum as a possible channel out for energy.

Energetic photons provide an obvious means by which lots of energy might be
allowed to escape from the E-Cat, thereby leading to an understated COP if
they were not accounted for (which they were, we are given to understand).
Low-energy photons, such as radio waves, by contrast, do not provide an
obvious channel through which to transmit lots of energy.  If the energetic
photons correspond to a high bandwidth connection, I assume the low energy
photons are analogous to trying to push lots of water through a surface
with very small holes in it -- my guess is that there's not much bandwidth
in this channel.


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