Yes, the IRC plugin is included as part of the distribution by default.  
It creates a VOS user for each IRC user in the virtual world, and 
creates a separate IRC client session for each user in the VOS world, so 
it is completely transparent.

Currently IRC users in VOS arn't given any form, but there's no reason 
why they couldn't be given avatars and placed somewhere on the map (I 
someone suggested having them wander around aimlessly, like the 
townspeople in certain console RPGs :-)

Also something I've wanted to explore is the possibility of creating a 
semantic representation of a space that is meaningful enough to be 
navigated from both a MUD-style text interface, while still being able 
to enter it as a fully 3D immersive world.  You could lay down a node 
network of positions where the text-user could go, add descriptions to 
all the objects in the space, and then at each node it would print out 
the descriptions for things that were nearby.  For example (thinking of 
the current demo "black sun" world:

"You are standing on a hill of brown dirt.  To the north is a large 
white pyramid with an entraceway.  To the east the hill continues.  To 
the west the hill continues.  To the south is black nothingness."

$ Go north

"You are at the entrace to the Pyramid.  To the north is a hallway with 
a tiled floor.  At the end of the hallway are ramps leading up and to 
the east and west.  To west is a doorway."

$ Go north

"You are at the end of the hallway.  To the south is the entrance to the 
Pyramid.  To the west is a doorway.  Up and to the east is a ramp.  Up 
and to the west is a ramp.
Gonzo is here.

Gonzo(3d) says Hello!

Gonzo(3d) goes south to the entrace to the Pyramid.

You see Gonzo(3d) by the entrace to the Pyramid.

Gonzo(3d) waves to you.


And so forth...

On Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 04:54:36PM +0100, Marcos Marado wrote:
> Hi there, 
> I said this on your IRC channel...
> -----
> * Now talking on #vos
> * Topic for #vos is: Virtual Object System :: http::// :: 
> Free 
> Multi-user Virtual Reality
> * Topic for #vos set by tetron|mac at Tue Dec 12 04:28:20 2006
> * #vos :[freenode-info] why register and identify? your IRC nick is how 
> people 
> know you.
> <Mind_Booster_Noo> hi there
> * You are now known as Mind_Booster
> <Mind_Booster> I saw your website...
> <Mind_Booster> I wonder, does the VOS server already comes with this "plugin" 
> to interconnect a world with IRC?
> <Mind_Booster> I'm a talker owner (for those now knowing, a talker is a 
> text-based virtual world) and it would be great to be able to connect it to a 
> graphical world like VOS
> <Mind_Booster> keeping both interfaces, the "via telnet text-based world" and 
> the vos-browser...
> <Mind_Booster> hmm, I guess you're all asleep :-P
> <Mind_Booster> I guess I'll email this question to the mailing list :-)
> <Mind_Booster> thanks anyway, and keep up with the effort :-)
> ---------
> Can anyone please give me an answer? I would really be interested in this.
> -- 
> Marcos Marado
> Sonaecom IT
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[   Peter Amstutz  ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
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[ VOS: Next Generation Internet Communication][ ]
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