So, from a user's perspective, how might the following cases work in an
Interreality 3D system built upon vos s5:

1) Someone running a server wants special behavior from an object, written
in the scripting language of their choice, to be attached to an object at
run-time -- but without that code being accessible to clients.
2) Someone connecting to a server with a client "owns" a bit of 3d space and
can create objects and attach scripts to them. They create a new object with
some sort of behavior, and they upload the script to that object. What if
the script had a syntax error? What if the script tried to do something
illegal or use up too many resources?
3) Someone wants to write a script for their vos-based client that just
tweaks the interface client-side (perhaps automating some functions or
creating new UI elements). What if they wanted this script to break out of
the typical sandbox?
4) An object on the server contains a script to be run client-side, perhaps
to perform some special animation effect or to support some custom
interaction with the server, and the user of the client can decide to accept
that script or not.

Also: will interreality specify any "default languages" to be supported as a
baseline, or will it just be whatever runtimes the current server has
installed? Will there be a way to query the server for what runtimes it
supports, and what capabilities those runtimes have? Can an object (such as
in case 4) have multiple languages attached to it, so the client can pick
which one it supports the best? Can a script specify at the outset what
capabilities it requires so the vos kernel can decide whether or not to even
run it (or to ask the user to allow certain capabilities)?


ps: Something else that may be interesting -- having a special VOS
translation layer that lets one run scripts wrtten for VRML nodes in a VOS
world. This could facilitate importing VRML files transparently.

Peter Amstutz wrote:
> Third in a four part series on major design changes in s5
> (What could also be called "VOS Apocalypse")
> Scripting.
> One of the things we have encountered over the course of our open source
> efforts was (obvious in retrospect) people don't like dealing with C++.
> While there remain compelling reasons to write the VOS "kernel" in C++,
> for most people the language is hard, setting up a compilation
> environment is difficult, and there are many things a statically
> compiled language simply can't do, such as evaluating new code on the
> fly.
> With s3 and s4, we have tried to address scripting using the Simplified
> Wrapper and Interface Generator (SWIG), which is an excelent program
> which can read C and C++ header files and produce bindings into a
> variety of popular programming languages.  However, this approach
> suffers from a flaw: by design it is oriented towards calling C/C++ code
> from other languages.  It does not, however, provide much support for
> allowing your C/C++ code (or other languages hosting in the same system)
> to call back to that scripting code.  So, scripting languages are
> second-class citizens.
> What I intend to do in s5 is see to it that all programming languages
> (scripting or otherwise) can be a first-class citizen in VOS, so that C,
> C++, Perl, Python, LISP, Java, C# etc code can all call each other,
> agreeing on the same APIs and data types.  The goal, is to allow users
> to write behaviors and extensions for VOS in their programming language
> of choice.
> This is, in some ways, one of the holy grails of computing.  How many
> times has a project been rewritten, or required redundant work, because
> software A in one language needed to link with software B in another?
> Now, I don't want to overstate what we're doing, but I do believe that
> certain key aspects of VOS enable us to produce a cleaner solution than
> the existing state of the art.
> There are three key design elements:
> 1. Actor model for Vobjects and message passing.
> This is shakes out from the concurrency design discussed earlier.
> Because Vobjects are required to communicate via message passing, it is
> easy to add a translation step that converts message parameters from one
> language datatypes to another.  Datatypes will consists of either
> copyable primitives, or Vobjects, so object references that are
> communicated between languages are independent identifiers not tied to
> particular memory (or network) location.  Capabilities can be used to
> enforce security between runtimes (more on that later).  Finally, and
> most importantly, there is no inversion of control inherent when calling
> on a vobject that is handled by another language.  This means that the
> act of calling from one language to another does not result in the
> caller's thread being taken over to run the target scripting language
> runtime or virtual machine, thus avoiding various unintended side
> effects.
> If a scripting language runtime or virtual machine is not threadsafe, it
> can be made to run in a separate, private thread and require that all
> inbound messages be placed in its message queue.  Also useful is in the
> case that VOS is be incorporated into an existing application or
> framework, all that is required is that the application's main event
> loop be able to periodically check for new incoming VOS events.
> 2. Object Type Definitions (OTDs) for Interfaces
> Object type definitions describe the messages a vobject accepts and
> emits, and the child vobjects it might link to.  It is similar in spirit
> to an XML schema or a CORBA interface file, but merges ideas from both.
> It is independent of programming language, and I am working towards
> defining the OTD in itself.
> The primary use of the OTD is input into a code generator that produces
> concrete classes that implement the marshaling of method parameters into
> messages, and from messages back to method parameters.  Since messages
> are language-neutral, they can now be passed to a handler written in any
> other language.  For each supported language, we will have either a code
> generator that produces the required classes, or for more dynamic
> languages, a module with that uses reflection and evaluation to generate
> the required classes.
> The advantage of this is that interfaces can be added to any language
> runtime at any time without having to modify either the other languages
> or the C++ kernel.  The only essential interface to the C++ kernel will
> be a minimal C interface designed specifically for the FFI (foreign
> function interface) feature present used by many languages.  This allows
> most (or all) of the work to be done in the target language that the
> user is most comfortable in.
> 3. Runtime extensible object model and reflection
> Vobjects arn't set in stone.  You are free to attach new types, new
> behaviors and new children onto existing vobjects at any time.  This is
> extremely useful for situations where you need to take several behaviors
> and smoosh them together into a single vobject (very, very common in VOS
> -- for example a typical avatar has at minimum types misc:avatar,
> a3dl:object3d.model, a3dl:actor and misc:talkative) which could now in
> s5 be potentially implemented is multiple languages.  This "mashup"
> capability is very powerful and fairly unique to VOS (I think you could
> probably do it in Croquet due to its Smalltalk basis, but that's about
> it).
> This flexibilily also means applications are free to attach
> application-specific data to vobjects that will be ignored by tools that
> don't recognize it.  For example, a file format loader for some 3D scene
> could package up the parts it doesn't understand and include them along
> with the parts that have been converted to standard A3DL data.  When
> exporting that same scene back to the original file format, those parts
> can be retrieved and output again to yield the identical original file,
> rather than those parts having been stripped off and lost in the
> original loading.
> VOS also provides reflection (OTDs will themselves be represented in the
> system as vobjects, essentially metaclasses).  For example, iterating
> over child vobjects is very similar to iterating over the fields of a
> class.  Vobject structures can be navigated and manipulated using
> generic tools, and scripts which process Vobjects can be simpler and
> require fewer assumptions about the underlying objects.
> The big picture of what I'm trying to do with s5 is make VOS an
> object-oriented programming infrastructure that ties together all of
> computing, and happens to makes the end goal of an immersive,
> collaborative 3D world really easy to implement.  The reason is that I
> want to be able to leverage other people's work in programming
> languages, operating systems, databases and graphics in a way that is
> easy and effective.  This is the basic motivation for defining VOS as a
> platform: so in the long run, we don't have to do all the work.  So
> instead of stitching together a half-assed 3D engine, a half-assed
> database and a half-assed scripting language all created in-house, we
> can create a best-of-breed system that ties together the best of each
> category.

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