Also spracht Reed Hedges (Wed, 27 Jun 2007 12:58:40 -0400):
> What is the state of the S4 scripting branch
> (  Does the Python
> interface work?

disclaimer: I haven't touched it in months.  I'm answering half from 
memory, half from a quick look in the last two hours.

The whole scripting extension idea suffers from one conceptual "bug", as 
explained to me by Peter: in-process messaging isn't guaranteed to work 
in s4, and scripts communicate with c++ entirely by messages.  However, 
in my tests, it has worked flawlessly; my tests aren't very extensive, 
though, so it's possible I didn't cover whatever corner case it is that 
breaks them.

The Python interface mostly works.  You can build script objects from a 
string or file, and you can execute it.  Missing is the idea of "script 
properties" we discussed before.  Binding a script to respond to a 
message requires a hack.  Also, it should probably be doable from Python 
as well, and it isn't.

The JavaScript interface segfaults like there's no tomorrow, due to my 
poor understanding of SpiderMonkey's weird garbage collection.

And the whole thing isn't hooked into the vos build system.

All in all, I'm not sure it's worth fixing; it value would be, at best, a 
"technology preview" of the kind of script you'll get (much more safely) 
in s5, and at that, it won't even be api-compatible.  If anyone really 
wants it, they can compile from the branch; then again, if you think you 
want it, you probably actually want s5 :-)

                                               Lalo Martins
      So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
       then they seem improbable, and then, when we
       summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
GNU: never give up freedom       

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