Vejam no texto (em inglês) abaixo.
O NIST, órgão americano equivalente à nossa ABNT, vai começar a avaliar a atestar máquinas de votar para poderem ser utilizadas em eleições americanas. Como entre os itens necessários se pede que o equipamento ofereça uma forma do eleitor conferir seu voto antes de ser colhido (cast) e que tenha o voto impresso para recontagem, as urnas-e brasileiras estão definitivamente fora das eleições americanas, ao contrário do que diz a propaganda oficial do TSE.

Assunto: [ISN] NIST to begin accrediting labs for voting system evaluations


By William Jackson
GCN Staff

The National Institute of Standards and Technology has begun an accreditation program for laboratories that want to evaluate voting systems under the Help America Vote Act.

The 2002 act contains standards that must be met, beginning in 2006, for mechanical, electromechanical and electronic voting systems used in federal elections. These standards include:

* A method to let voters verify and correct their votes before the
 ballot is cast

* A paper audit trail that will serve as the official record of the
 election in the event of a recount

* Accessibility for persons with disabilities and non-English speakers

* A test error rate of not more than one error in 500,000 ballot

The Election Assistance Commission enforces the standards, but accreditation of test labs is being done by NIST under the National Voluntary Accreditation Program (NVLAP).

NIST announced plans for the program one year ago and held a public workshop on the plans in August. NVLAP accreditation is a requirement for final certification by the Election Assistance Commission.

Applications are available and must be submitted by Aug. 16 for the first evaluation group. The first evaluations are expected to begin Sept. 15. Applications received after the initial deadline will be considered on an as-received basis. Laboratories must pay a nonrefundable, one-time application fee, as well as an on-site assessment fee and an annual technical-administrative support fee.

Requirements and forms are available by calling (301) 975-4016; by writing to Voting System Testing Program Manager, NIST/NVLAP, 100 Bureau Dr., mail stop 2140, Gaithersburg, MD, 20899-2140; or by e-mailing [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

For more information contact Jeffrey Horlick of NVLAP at jeffrey.horlick @ nist.gov

O texto acima e' de inteira e exclusiva responsabilidade de seu
autor, conforme identificado no campo "remetente", e nao
representa necessariamente o ponto de vista do Forum do Voto-E

O Forum do Voto-E visa debater a confibilidade dos sistemas
eleitorais informatizados, em especial o brasileiro, e dos
sistemas de assinatura digital e infraestrutura de chaves publicas.
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