
OK accepted iperf and iptraf, as they are handy and don't have much size impact to voyage. Will appear in next daily voyage-current and live-cd build.

For vi alternative, elvis-tiny is still preferred because of the size concern. Can you state your reason why vim-tiny is preferred?

I don't know much on the issue of dhcpclient, can you elaborate more?


Edwin Whitelaw wrote:

I vote both iperf and iptraf be included as standard packages. I use them all the time on my WRAPs. With or without Solomon's scripts, tcpdump is a must.

I prefer vim-tiny over elvis-tiny.  Others' opinions?  :-)

Also, I may be missing something, but it seems replacing dhcpclient with dhcp3client breaks the remountro script I believe because the log file is in the rw file area.

My $0.02.



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