Hi Patrick,

Remove the line "format          "44100:16:2" in ALSA configuration of 
/etc/mpd.conf.  Restart mpd and see how it goes.

audio_output {
        type            "alsa"
        name            "My ALSA Device"
        device          "hw:0,0"        # optional
#       format          "44100:16:2"    # optional
#       mixer_device    "default"       # optional
#       mixer_control   "PCM"           # optional
#       mixer_index     "0"             # optional


On 1/6/2012 12:06 AM, superpat wrote:
Hi  Punky,

I have another weird problem with Voyage MPD which I hope you can help with.

When I boot up my Voyage MPD system and play some music,  I sometimes get an
audible "click" or noise pulse at about 1 pulse per second, along with the
proper audio play back, for the duration of the sound file.  The noise is
not present when there is no music file playing.

Rebooting the mpd server  generally results in the clicking noise vanishing
until I finish listening and power the server down. Occasionally I may have
to reboot a couple of times  before I get a "clean" output. Sometimes the
system comes up clean on first boot.

So far I have tried both Voyage MPD 0.7.5 and 0.8.0

I have tried two different systems,  a FIC system and a Futro A250 thin
client, both Lx-800 based. I choose "386 generic" mode when I build the
systems on the CF cards.

I have tried two different  DAC's.

No matter which sets of hardware, or software, it either works beautifully
after boot, or it plays the audio with a constant  click, click, click,
which is very annoying.

I am streaming the audio file as a Flac at 24bit/96khz from my Freenas  Nas
box, using a Wifi connection, and a wifi Nokia N800 as a controller for the
mpd server.

Whilst the fault is occurring on my MPD server, I have also simultaneously
streamed the same audio filefrom the Freenas box  to a VLC player on my
Linux desktop system. This plays the file with NO clicks, showing the
problem is somewhere in the MPD servers ???

Googling around, I cannot find any obvious postings from anyone with similar
problems so it must be unique to my installation, but I am unable to work
out what is causing this. The fact that rebooting fixes the problem for the
duration of the session blows my mind.

Any ideas on how to fault find / fix this will be really appreciated


Kim-man "Punky" Tse

* Open Source Embedded Solutions and Systems
  - Voyage Linux (http://linux.voyage.hk)
  - Voyage ONE   (http://linux.voyage.hk/voyage-one)
  - Voyage MPD   (http://linux.voyage.hk/voyage-mpd)
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