On Mon, 6 Mar 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I have been polishing up an application I have been working on and I
> would now like to put a RMouse menu on certin things.  I know how to
> get the RMouse event to bind but a bit confused on getting the menu to
> popup.
> Could someone help?

I've posted this before. It's a clipboard implemenation that shows how to
do button-3 popup menu for text and entry widgets. You want to do
something similar but to be context sensitive you have to get the item at
the cursor position (listboxes, canvases, etc) and customize the menu
accordingly. Note that the clipboard_post proc recieves the X-Y of the
cursor position.

proc {clipboard_create} {} {
    event add <<Cut>> <Control-Key-X>
    event add <<Copy>> <Control-Key-C>
    event add <<Paste>> <Control-Key-V>
    set   m .clipboardmenu
    menu $m -tearoff 0
    $m add command -label "Cut"        -accel "Ctrl+X"
    $m add command -label "Copy"       -accel "Ctrl+C"
    $m add command -label "Paste"      -accel "Ctrl+V"
    $m add command -label "Delete"     -accel "Delete"
    $m add separator
    $m add command -label "Select All" -accel "Ctrl+/"

proc {clipboard_doit} {w opt} {
    event generate $w <$opt>

proc {clipboard_post} {w x y} {
    set m .clipboardmenu
    if {[winfo class $w] == "Text"} {
        set sel [$w tag ranges sel]
    } {
        if {[$w selection present]} {
            set sel "1"
        } {
            set sel ""
    if {$sel == ""} {
        set selstate disabled
    } {
        set selstate normal
    set editstate [$w cget -state]
    if {$editstate == "disabled"} {
        set cutstate $editstate
    } {
        set cutstate $selstate
    if {[catch {selection get -displayof $w -selection CLIPBOARD} sel] ||
$sel == ""} {
        set pastestate disabled
    } {
        set pastestate $editstate
    $m  entryconfig "Cut"        -command "clipboard_doit $w <Cut>"
-state $cutstate
    $m  entryconfig "Copy"       -command "clipboard_doit $w <Copy>"
-state $selstate 
    $m  entryconfig "Paste"      -command "clipboard_doit $w <Paste>"
-state $pastestate
    $m  entryconfig "Delete"     -command "clipboard_doit $w  Delete"
-state $cutstate
    $m  entryconfig "Select All" -command "clipboard_doit $w
    tk_popup $m $x $y

proc {main} {argc argv} {
    global p4 widget tcl_platform env

    # Clipboard popup memu
    bind Text  <3>     "clipboard_post %W %X %Y"
    bind Entry <3>     "clipboard_post %W %X %Y"
    bind Text  <Enter> "+focus %W"
    bind Entry <Enter> "+focus %W"


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