Hello all,

First thanks for your efforts developing such a great tool.  

Over the last day or so I began looking into the reporting function,
specifically the xml output.

I was interested in the xml reporting the vulnerability name.

So i checked out the regular svn version 2771

Then I made the following changes locally:


Added the following around line 210 :

            messageNode.setAttribute("id", str(i.getId()))
            messageNode.setAttribute("name", str(i.getName()))


Added the following :

    def getId( self ):  
        return self._id

    def getName( self ):
        return self._name

Now the xml reports with a distinct vuln name, in most cases.  I was
curious about some vulns that add specific instance details, like
Insecure directory.

Here are some of the example names that I see for Insecure directory:

name="Insecure directory - /./" 
name="Insecure directory - /"
name="Insecure directory - /phpmyadmin/"

Is there a better way to report the distinct vuln name?

Thanks so much,


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