Hello, list!

While developing proxy "one click check" feature 
(when you can click right button in Request/Response History on item and audit 
I meet problem when I can't find out if plugin find something by it's return 
state :(

Here some draft code:

 def _auditRequest(self, menuItem, requestId, pluginName, pluginType):
        """SoC of audit custom request."""
        searchResult = self._dbHandler.searchById(requestId)
        if len(searchResult) != 1:
        request, response = searchResult[0]
        plugin = self.w3af.getPluginInstance(pluginName, pluginType)
        except w3afException, e:

In this situation I can't even show to user alert of check state or something 
like that...
So, there is the question. Why we don't use return values in core plugins 
methods like audit?
For example, we can return True if plugin find something or False if there is 
no results.

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