> > I think I'd prefer to not convert wflinfo to python.
> I also hesitate to convert wflinfo to python. After we push all the
> complexity of wflinfo.c into a library call, then wflinfo.c will largely
> consist of argparsing and a minimal json parser. wflinfo.c will then be
> so small that I don't expect to gain much benefit in moving it to
> wflinfo.py. (I expect moving it to Python might make it *more*
> complicated if its argparsing code attempts to be python-2-and-3
> compatible).

I don't have a dog in the race, but:
Having written a python2.x/3.x compatible code it's not very hard as
long as you don't have to support python < 2.5 or 3.0 - 3.1
argparse is available from 2.7 and 3.1, which is the best way to work,
and is available as a pip installable module for 2.6.

Honestly at this point for a new project trying to support anything
< 2.7 is silly, so it should be pretty simple.

All that said, I think that leaving it in C makes more sense. I think
that the cython or cffi code to plug the two together would be more
complex than the pure c code would be.


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