US Delays Religious Freedom Sanctions on Oil-Rich Riyadh

Riyadh, which controls one-fourth of the world's proven oil reserves, supplies 
the US with 15 percent of its oil imports.

Koment TaufikMalin;

Alhamdulillah, dengan bantuan USA mudah2an golongan islam minoritas seperti 
Syiah, Sufi, ahmadiah, Tabhligh dll akan merdeka mejalankan dakwahnya di Saudi 
Arabia. Yang selama ini ulama2 Radikal Wahhabi melarang golongan2 islam 
minoritas ini untuk berdakwah dengan dalil ajaran sesat.Ratusan tahun ulama2 
wahhabi menzolimi golongan2 islam Syaih,Sufi, Ahmadiah dll dari saudi Arabia. 
Sangat menyedihkan sekali.

Ulama2 wahhabi selama ini telah mengingkari perintah Allah tentang kebebasan 
untuk berdawah, berbicara dan menjalankan agamanya menurut keyakinan masing2. 
Inilah salah satu hikmah peristiwa 11 september...Kemerdekaan beragama di Saudi 
Arabia akan terjadi.

Mudah2an MUI dan ulama2 radikal Indonesia juga mengikuti perintah2 Allah untuk 
setiap orang merdeka menjalankan agamanya masing2 walaupun berbeda dengan MUI. 

Sebelum Amerika memberikan sangsi kepada Indonesia, sebaiknya MUI cepat2 
mereformasi Fatwanya baru baru ini yaitu mengharamkan golongan islam LIberal, 
Pluralism, ahmadiah, dan jemaah yang bershalat bahasa Indonesia.

Kalau MUI bisa memahami ini, saya yakin sekali masarakat Islam tidak akan lagi 
saling sesat menyesatkan dan tuduh menuduh, tapi saling berlomba lomba berbuat 
beribadah, kebaikan dan mengatasi ekonomi bangsa Indonesia yang makin sulit 
Kita sudah capek melihat dimana ulama2 islam saling sesat menyesat. Sehingga 
masarakat hidup dan beribadah tidak aman.
Berilah kemerdekaan untuk setiap orang memilih agama dan keyakinannya, karena 
kemerdekaan itu adalah hak setiap manusia yang diberikan oleh Allah kepada 
kita. Hidup ini adalah testing bagi setiap orang, mau jalan Allah silakan, 
kalau tidak mau ikut silakan, nanti Allah yang akan menghukumnya, bukan ulama2.

Saudi Arabia diberi waktu 6 bulan untuk memberikan HAK KEMERDEKAAN BERAGAMA. 
Kalau tidak Saudi Arabia akan diberi sangsi berat dari negara2 International. 
Saya berdoa semoga Saudi Arabia mentaati perintah Allah dan ancaman Amerika. 
Semoga tidak adalagi golongan islam yang menzolimi golongan islam yang 
minoritas dan akhirnya saya yakin umat Islam bersatu dan saling tolong menolong 
dalam berbuat kebaikan dan memajukan ekonomi bangsa Indonesia yang sudah 
terpuruk ini. 
Marilah kita semua yang cinta hidup yang damai berdoa kepada Allah semoga 
ulama2 radikal baik di Saudi Arabia dan Indonesia akan sadar dan insyaf bahwa 
mentaati perintah Allah pasti akan mendapat rahmat dari Allah. Allah senang 
manusiapun akan senang.


rasul bersabda; Barang siapa yang tidak mencintai manusia dia bukanlah 
mencintai Allah swt HR Tirmidzi.

Wassalam. Selamat Membaca!

WASHINGTON, October 1, 2005 ( & News Agencies) – The US decided 
Friday, September 30, to postpone by six months sanctions against Saudi Arabia 
over its alleged violations of religious minority rights, as skyrocketing oil 
prices threatened to crimp US economic growth.

"The waiver is a temporary measure that allows us to continue discussions 
leading to progress on important religious freedom issues," State Department 
spokeswoman Amanda Rogers-Harper told Agence France-Presse (AFP).

He, however, acknowledged that the kingdom has so far failed to make major 
strides in re-establishing the rights of its religious minorities.

"Non-Muslims and minority Muslims are still subject to discrimination, 
harassment and detention because of their beliefs," Rogers-Harper charged.

Last year, the US Commission on International Religious Freedom, an agency 
established by Congress to promote religious freedom, for the first time 
designated Saudi Arabia a country "of particular concern".

It accused Riyadh of backing anti-Jewish and anti-Christian campaigns, 
torturing non-Muslims and discriminating against Shiites and other Muslims who 
do not adhere to the officially sanctioned Wahhabi school.

The Saudi government has repeatedly rejected the charges as unfounded.

The designation, introduced into US diplomatic practice by the 1998 
International Religious Freedom Act, usually entails severe penalties, 
including economic sanctions, if the designated country fails to quickly clean 
up its act.

But the law also gives the secretary of state the right to waive action, if 
higher US national interests are at stake.

In contrast to its decision on Saudi Arabia, the United States decided to 
sanction Eritrea by banning military exports to the Horn of Africa country, 
Reuters said.

Eye on Oil

The postponement decision reflects the delicate balance Washington has sought 
to strike with Arab allies, such as Riyadh, as it promotes expanding freedoms 
at the risk of irking governments needed to support its oil and terrorism 
policies, Reuters said.

Saudi Arabia controls one-fourth of the world's proven oil reserves and, as a 
leading OPEC member, has a major say in determining production quotas and, 
subsequently, prices.

During the first five months of this year, the kingdom supplied the United 
States with 1.5 million barrels of oil a day, which is roughly 15 percent of 
all US oil imports, AFP quoted US energy officials as saying.

President George W. Bush urged Americans on Monday, September 26, to save fuel 
by driving less as already record high gas prices threatened to go through the 
roof in the wake of two major hurricanes that hit the US Gulf of Mexico coast, 
a major oil producing region, since the end of August.

Twelve refineries accounting for nearly one-fifth of the country's 
oil-processing capacity remain shut down following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, 
the US Congress said on Friday, warning that half of them could remain closed 
for several months.

Deutsche Bank analyst Adam Sieminski told AFP it was a "staggering loss of 
product" that is likely to reverberate through the US economy as gas prices, 
already topping three dollars a gallon in many regions, lurch even higher. 

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