Maaf saya nimbrung.

Sebagai umat Islam yg baik kita tidak bisa menutup mata thd kezaliman 
yg dilakukan atas nama Islam.  Kezaliman semacam ini akhir2 ini makin 
marak.  Dan ini kewajiban kita sebagai mainstream muslim utk 
menegaskan dimana posisi kita.  Yg jelas posisi kita pasti mengutuk 
tindakan2 kekerasan atas nama agama apalagi kalau diarahkan kepada 
pemeluk agama lain.  Mempersekusi umat lain itu bertentangan dg 
firman Allah di Al-Qur'an.

Marilah kita kesampingkan nafsu angkara murka dan prasangka terutama 
dalam bulan puasa ini.

Marilah kita bertindak dan bersikap adil sesuai dg ajaran Islam.

--- In, "Technical Dept" 
> Mbak Anita yg terhormat,
> Mohon utk tdk memprovokasi umat di penghujung Ramadhan ini.
> Mbak hanya menyertakan satu referensi dari satu sisi.
> Apakah Mbak sudah mengecek keberada tempat ibadah yang dimaksud,
> apakah benar itu gereja atau rumah tinggal yng dijadikan gereja,
> apakah gereja itu punya ijin dari pemerintah?
> dan apakah sebelumnya sudah meminta ijin dari warga sekitar sebelum
> pembangunannya.
> Maaf, Mbak.
> Tolong klarifikasi dulu, sebelum kita menyebarkannya.
> Terima kasih.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Anita Tammy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Saturday, October 29, 2005 12:22 PM
> Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Renungan di akhir Ramadhan - Kekerasan 
> Sumber berita ini dari sebuah website misi Katolik langsung dari
> Italia (Vatikan?). Tapi beritanya tampaknya tidak terdengar di media
> massa Indonesia.
> Semoga di akhir bulan Ramadhan ini, kita bisa merenungi tindakan
> kekerasan umat Islam terhadap umat lain, walaupun mereka tidak
> melakukan "maksiat" sekalipun. Tolong konfirmasi berita ini, kalau
> ada yg bisa.
> Selamat ber-Idul Fitri. Maaf lahir batin.
> Salam,
> Anita
> 14 October, 2005
> Islamic extremists attack Catholics reciting rosary
> The attack took place on 11 October in a private house. Armed men
> broke in and threatened to burn the place down if the prayer went
> ahead. Fears are rising about further violence against Indonesian
> believers.
> Jakarta (AsiaNews) - A group composed of Islamic extremists attacked
> Catholics praying the rosary on 11 October and threatened to burn
> down the house they were gathered in. The assailants, who claimed to
> be part of the Islamic Defender Front (Front Pembela Islam, FPI),
> invaded the house of one of the Catholic community belonging to the
> parish of Christ Salvator in western Jakarta.
> The men forced the marian prayer to stop immediately, threatening to
> burn the place down. They forced all those present including the
> Ketua Lingkungan (informal parish leader - ed. note) to sign a
> declaration that they will not hold any more rosary gatherings in
> houses in the area.
> The attack has fuelled fears and apprehension among Indonesian
> Catholics who fear further possible hostile moves from the FPI. The
> front is also behind the closure of 24 home-churches in western
> Java.
> For Catholics all over the world, including those in Indonesia,
> October and May are months dedicated especially to the Virgin Mary.
> In Indonesia, believers manifest their faith by undertaking
> pilgrimages to the country's Marian shrines and by reciting the
> rosary in parishes.
> Meeting to recite the rosary together, better known as Doa Rosario
> Bersama, is usually organised once a week in one of the houses of
> the community.
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