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A Message from Allah 2-83-4
 Dear readers, Al Salaam aleikum Wa Rahmatullah. Many of you ordered 
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copy, for Sourah one in about 57 pages my friend, there should be 
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Soon Insha Allah another book will come your way, about Sourah 114, 
about 45 pages finished so far, for the Sourah of Al Naas, where you 
will be told about the nature of Satan, and what are the Demons, and 
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will read about the possessed, be prepared to order your free copy 
when I send the announcement out. Nice short stories are included as 
well, be prepared for something worth reading Insha Allah. Did you 
read a full 57 page book about Al Fateha before; is not time for 
doing so now, from a Scholar, not from an average person? Do we need 
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are not for sale my friend, He gave us free, free we give back. 
Please send an order for your free copy today, what knowledge you 
have will stay with you, no one can take that, what this book should 
accomplish, is not to take away, but to add.
Dear readers, we are still speaking about Ayah 2:83 the next part of 
this Ayah says:
"We made a Covenant with the children of Israel (Jacob), do not 
worship anything besides Allah, and be dutiful and good toward your 
parent". The most important issue in our lives is to worship the 
only true LORD, also in knowing the importance of not worshiping 
anyone else besides Allah. Imagine, if we do come to agree about 
this principle number one, then we notice how treating parent came 
side by side with this issue like how the Ayah stated above, make us 
stop and wonder doesn't it. Perhaps for some of us, treating parent 
well is not a big issue, some of us even treat our parent so 
miserable, how sad. However, it matters not what you and I think, 
when we speak about Allah, because you and I, or what we think does 
not matter, and does not match. Will you too stop to think for a 
second, why Allah put treating parent side by side with worship, why 
He does that? Well, there is a message no doubt, non of us will ever 
think Allah is ordering us to worship them, He just said before: 
worship only Allah, finished, no argument there.  
 Let us not wonder a lot, let us get in the habit of accepting that, 
and realizing how our parent are so important to Allah, as we will 
be when we become just that. Now the question should look like: how 
Allah wishes us to obey this command? Look at Ayah 17:23-24, which 
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"Allah legislated worship only unto Him no one besides, and you need 
to be extra nice to your parent, if one of them or both reach old 
age while you are with them, do not show any disrespect to them of 
any kind, and never ever shout at any of them, but say the most kind 
words you can find. Lower for them the wing of humility, out of 
mercy, and pray saying: O LORD shed them with your Mercy as they 
raised me when I was a little child".
 My friend, I know we are speaking about Ayah 2:83, however, I see 
that we can understand it better if we explained Ayah 17:23-24, I 
hope you do not mind. Since Ayah 17:23 is a long one, we will take 
that into parts instead of speaking about it in one shot, just let 
us start. What is the first thing we notice here, when looking at 
both Ayahs, we see Ayah 83 saying almost the same like Ayah 17:23, 
especially in the very first words. Let us pick this part that the 
two share, and speak about. Allah said: do not worship anything 
beside Him, or anyone. We spoke about that the last time, then Allah 
says: we need to be extra nice to our parent, how; this is our topic 
for the day Insha Allah, so please bear with me. 
 Why should we be nice to parent, those parent sometimes are pain in 
the neck some may think, some parent loose it completely, and become 
like a nightmare, yes, I may accept that some parent are so 
misfortunate in their old age like that, however, aren't we all 
heading in the same direction ourselves, will we not reach old age 
one day too, then please give them a break, and look closely at what 
we have. Let us back up for a short time when we were little 
children, and they were wonderfully young. If you do not remember 
because your age at that time, can you please look at other children 
if you don't mind? Here the parent had a long day, the father had 
such difficult time at work, in traffic, suffering every second for 
the sake of his little family, happy about that, no complain, one 
smile from you when you were a little child is more than enough to 
make him forget all of that.
 Now he is home, mother looked so bad, cleaning the house, running 
up and down all day long, then when you cried, she was like crazy, 
with broken heart, she wished to make you smile, she changed your 
Diapers, cared less about the smell, cared only to make you feel 
well. Now that the day really got all what it takes to wear them 
out, night time comes, and their chance to have some good sleep if 
they can, they deserved the rest. Here comes you shouting before 
their eyes get even one second of rest, as if you are saying: they 
don't deserve that. The father sometimes, other times Mom will come, 
what is wrong Baby, what is wrong my child. Ya Allah, what is wrong 
is that you too need some rest, but I am so little to understand 
 Yes, sometimes we are so good, will not go to sleep before Mom 
wakes up Dad, take the Baby for a walk, bring her back when it had 
enough. Do any of us remember any of that, then can we watch this 
happening to others after we reach an age to realize? Well, you 
think this is bad, think again, let us take you little further back, 
when you were inside, when you were eating what is hers, when you 
were drinking and not leaving her to drink, everything she eats or 
drink you share, and make her throw the rest out. Was she with no 
rights in your sight, when she finds a moment of peace, you kick her 
so hard, it hurts, yet she smiles. How many were the times when you 
thought: O my LORD, Mom is crazy, why, because sometimes she felt so 
much love, she wished for time to pass so fast, and she is speaking 
with you as if you already grown up is that really mad, or just love?
 My friend, take one moment when mothers spend at delivery Bench, 
the Pain they go through for your eyes and your sake, if you can 
understand this, then you will understand so much. Yet when Allah 
says: take good care of your parent, you ask and shout your why 
should I do such? Let us continue this next time Insha Allah.
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