ÈÓã Çááå ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍíã
What is wrong with you 2-83-5
      Dear readers, Al Salaam Aleikum. Many ordered their free
copy of Al Fateha, what are you waiting for, when you will order
your free copy? Are the words of Allah unimportant, you have no
interest in learning more about them, why Allah became second in
your lives? Some of you are not interested, they think Qur'aan
stopped and got stock in the past, and what the old Scholars have
done, fine, with all due respect for this kind of thinking, I need
to say: take it, read it, see for yourself why you are deadly wrong,
if you do not like it, what did you lose? My friend, ask yourself
how much you know about Al Fateha, then read this book and come to
see the great difference, and the wonderful words of Allah, there
are a lot of information in the book too that would be of great
interest for those who love Allah.
Soon Insha Allah another book will come your way, about Sourah 114,
about 55 pages perhaps more, for the Sourah of Al Naas, where you
will be told about the nature of Satan, and what are the Demons, and
the Devils that effect our lives for those who wish to know, we also
will read about the possessed, be prepared to order your free copy
when I send the announcement out. Please do not act like a
programmed machine, that says what others put into it, act human,
when we say we have something good, try it, and see whether it is or
not, it is coming from a Scholar as well.
Dear readers, we are still speaking about Ayah 2:83, yes my friend,
Allah made loving parent next to worshiping Allah, and if we lead
you examples, we will never give this issue justice no matter what.
Should I speak about Dad, who dream about the day his boy grows up
to stand by his side, and help in old age, or when his daughter will
be dressed in white side by side with the man of her future. It is
said we have a Hadeeth from our Imam Muhammad PBUH that says: Heaven
is under the feet of mothers, imagine that, no wonder why Allah put
treating parent next to worship, how about it my friend, should we
look and evaluate how we treat our parent, look and evaluate
yourselves please? Next part in this Ayah says:
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"We made a covenant with the children of Israel (Jacob), do not
worship anyone or anything besides Allah, and be dutiful and
extremely good toward your parent, your relatives, the Orphans, and
toward those who are in need", fine, what are we looking at here,
and what can we see in this other part we brought from the Ayah?
Allah is telling us how our priorities lie with the parent first in
our relation to mankind, then the relatives, what is the difference,
aren't our parent relatives as well, why Allah put this in this
order as He did, why He separated parent from the rest of the
      Yes my friend, parent are relatives, and we are related no
doubt, however, it is obvious how Allah is telling us we need to put
parent at a separate higher level and priority, they are always
priority number one, how and why? Take for example brothers, and
sisters, how many were the times we have seen what brothers do to
brothers and sisters, and how many are the sad stories in our lives,
we notice how we hate each other, sometimes never forget what we do
unto one another, but in the case of parent, it is fascinating, how
their love make them always forgive and forget. The Mercy of Parents
is much less than that of Allah, however, it is next in line, no one
will forgive us like our parent rest assured of that. Let me tell
you of a story, I am not saying it is true, but saying look at what
is behind the words if you don't mind.
      A bad young man went with the wrong company, one day they
made him abuse drugs, and he became addicted, and the supplier asks
for a lot of money, this young man does not have. One day he went to
the supplier begging him: please give me a shot, the man kept
pushing him away, till he got so frustrated and said: go bring the
heart of your mother on a plate, then I will give you a shot. The
young man believed, and went home, killed his Mom, cut her heart,
and was on his way to the man. While on the road, he stumbled over a
rock, and was about to fall, the heart slipped from his hand and was
rolling on the Asphalt, he heard the Heart of his mother shouting
with fear: watch out my son. He sat on the side of the road,
collected her crying heart and said: Mom, please come back.
      That is why parent are separated from all other relatives
in the sight of Allah, next to parent come the brothers and the
sisters, also wives and children. My friend let us do a little math
if you don't mind. If we take Statistics, we also take two
population, one of 100000, another with only ten, let us say: the US
has the first, and Palestine has the second. If we look at the
educated at the US in the 100000 we found 10000, then is ten%,
looking at Palestine, in the 10000 we found 5000, which accounts for
50%. This means the percentage of the educated in Palestine is a lot
higher than the US. And by the way, this is very true, a lot of
uneducated are among the Americans, while a lot of highly educated
from Palestine that may match about 85% of its population.
If we apply this to what is called Holy books in our hands, we will
find how the percent of love for mankind in the Noble Qur'aan is
about 80% of the book, while in what is in Jewish and Christian
hands comes to only 2%, this alone shows how a true book from the
LORD proves itself. They say they have 66 books, we have just one,
percentage wise we applied in the Statistic above, brought us this
result. Qur'aan is all about love, their books speak of love a
couple of times in comparison to such, Qur'aan has a lot more love
than what they can afford to have.
      Allah is ordering us and the Israelis to take good care of
relatives, be it in our little house from brothers and sister or
wives/husbands and children, or even in Laws, or in the over all
family, or even distant relatives, matters not. Why should we take
care of family and relatives? Please allow me to borrow your
imagination for a second, imagine all of us like one big family,
which is our case nevertheless for those who forgot, didn't we all
come from Adam and Eve, just one couple, doesn't this make us
family, one family called humankind? Yes it does, but how soon we
forgot that, and how bad is our relation with others, be it in the
family of Islam, or that of human kind. Now Imagine we take good
care of each other, what kind of a world that could make for us and
for our children, think about that?
      Therefore, we are all family, and in every family we have
the good and the bad, but still even the bad continue to be family
whether we like it or not. Therefore, treating other people like
treating yourself is a must, with this in mind. Please look at
people of all kinds, some of them are so wonderful, they deserve all
of our love and respect, and remember, please take this Advice I am
about to give you right now as a rule of thumb: if you cannot love,
please do not hate as well, if someone is offending Allah, using
his/her bad mouth, leave it, and feel pity for the dwellers of Hell.
My friend, if you see someone with no hands, no legs, crawling on
the Belly wont you feel bad, wont you have sympathy in your heart
for such? With all what this person lacks, still the torture does
not match that of Hell, and this person deserved and found enough
Sympathy in your heart, yet you cannot find such for those who will
be in Hell Eternity to come, so sad?
      My friend, it is bad enough what those offenders of Allah
will have come the day, do not hate, because hate usually push us to
do wrong acts, let me tell you a little story about that. One day
about Forty Magicians stood up facing Moses and Aaron PBU both, they
were challenging Allah and His messenger by the order of Pharaoh,
Aaron said when he saw them: the despicable enemies of Allah, Moses
PBUH said: don't say that brother, you never know, perhaps those are
men of the LORD before the end of their time. When Moses PBUH threw
his stick, turning into a snake, and eating all their sticks, all of
those forty Magicians kneeled to the ground saying: we believe in
Allah. Pharaoh said: I will crucify you, and will cut you into
pieces if you do not renounce your new belief, they said do as you
wish, we will never return. All those were Martyred, and went to
heaven that very same day my friend, I hope you understand the moral
behind such.
      Allah told us about some that day will say: where are those
who we thought were among the miserable, the sound will come saying:
they are in Heaven enjoying what Allah prepared for them. That is
why we don't need to hate anyone, that is why you need to leave only
place in your hearts for love, it is enough that some are going to
be in a miserable place called Hell. Also I will tell you as Moses
did to his brother Aaron: do not judge too fast.
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