ÈÓã Çááå ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍíã
Do U Love yourself 2-83-7
      Dear readers, Al Salaam Aleikum, Yes, two free books are
waiting for you, to show you the wonderful meanings of the words of
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she can perform prayer the best way possible, a Booklet will come
your way soon Insha Allah, for all those who wish to know how to
pray the best way possible. Also to explain to you the words of the
Athan call for prayer you hear and perhaps never thought about, also
why we say Allahu Akbar with every move? A lot of beautiful
information coming soon Insha Allah prepare yourself to order those
free books.
      Today I am sorry to tell you that I am under ignorant war
with msn, and Hotmail, looks like they realized the great success I
am making reaching thousands of readers with valuable teaching, how
I am building a wonderful Network, now they are closing my accounts
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help me and tell me if there is a competitor to hotmail I can use
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without any interruptions.   
Dear readers, we are still speaking about Ayah 2:83, yes my friend,
still have things to say before we barely finish the first part that
is. Next part in this Ayah says:
æÈÇáæÇáÏíä ÅÍÓÇäÇ æÐí ÇáÞÑÈì æÇáíÊÇãì æÇáãÓÇßíä
"We made a covenant with the children of Israel (Jacob), do not
worship anyone or anything besides Allah, and be dutiful and
extremely good toward your parent, your relatives, the Orphans, and
toward those who are in need", very well, we did not talk about
those people who are in need the Ayah mentioned? The word Allah used
here is: Miskeen, which may mean a lot of things, like poor could
fit, cannot afford a good living may fit, those who are so poor they
cannot afford a meal every day. If you look at all of us, we all are
Miskeen in one way or another believe it or leave it. However, this
discussion today is not about us, but about what Allah mentioned.
Let us get
acquainted with what Allah wants my friend.
      Before we get into this discussion let me ask you please:
how many were the times when you were approached by a poor person
begging for your help, or the little that you may give, and what was
your reaction? Imagine, this poor soul came asking, did not say how
much he/she wants, this means you are free to give whatever you can
afford, or like to give, no restrictions, yet, the question is: how
did you respond. Well, I do not wish to hear your answer, I know I
asked, yet I want you to hear what you have to say, please listen to
your heart, what have you done when this happened?
      My friend, tell me, have you ever thought: O this is not
poor, this is a millionaire, and a lazy Bum that doesn't want to
work, is it really, do you know that for sure, or you are just
guessing? How many times you thought or been told: don't give them,
they are drug abusers, they will take your money, and buy drugs with
it, O really now, people all of the sudden are so informed, and they
have sure knowledge for a change, how wonderful. My friend, do those
people who think this way ever read the Noble Book of Allah, did
Allah tell us to check when a Poor soul come begging, to see his/her
Background, how about asking for their Resume next time? Well, let
me tell you something real, when you give money to the Poor, if you
are giving to the Poor, please do as you wish, but if you are doing
for the sake of Allah, then no questions asked, just please give,
you are giving Allah my friend, while you think you are putting in a
human hand, which isn't.
      Fine, let me tell you what our Imam Muhammad PBUH told us:
give this who asks; even if he looked like a Prince and riding the
fanciest horses. My friend, do you like stories, please come, relax,
make yourself comfortable, and let me share this with you if you
don't mind. Looking at Sourah 68, Ayahs 17-33, here what the story
      Once upon a time, there was a rich family of Old, they had
a huge rich property, a property that produces all kinds of
wonderful fruits, and all kinds of Vegetation. Year after year Allah
blessed this family greatly, and after many years of success, little
by little the family stopped helping the poor, and the Miskeen,
stopped to give out gifts of the produce to even relatives and
neighbors, wanted to keep all for themselves, keep living only
themselves in Luxury. For days the brother who is in the middle age
wise kept telling them: please praise Allah, do not forget He
ordered us to take care of relatives and the Miskeen who are in need
for our help, but little by little they never gave him and ear, and
sometimes started mocking him.
      One day, they came back with great admiration for how
greatly their product was this season, they went home after an easy
working day, to come back the next day to start putting the labor
for harvest, and to sell for a fortune what Allah blessed. They sat
in the evening around dinner table laughing with great Joy, suddenly
they got dead serious, one said: be careful, the Poor know tomorrow
we will cultivate our land, make sure to kick them away, lock the
doors of the big wall, and allow none of them in, prevent them at
any cost from taking any of your fruits, keep everything, let us see
how much money this will get us this time, we have a lot to build,
and many ways to spend. Another sound shouted from across the table,
let us make a covenant over this, no Poor will be allowed in our
premises. Then they went to bed smiling and laughing, feeling the
world is theirs today.
      During the night while they were sleeping, Allah ordered a
storm to strike, and go through their property that was forbidden
for the Poor and the Miskeen, this storm left this property like a
Waste, all the trees pulled out of the Earth lying dead on the
ground of the Gardens, all the plants were plucked, everything came
to ruin over night, while the happy were sleeping and dreaming how
they will kick any Poor who comes begging. They forgot what Allah
says in Ayah :
æÝí ÃãæÇáåã ÍÞ ãÚáæã ááÓÇÆá æÇáãÍÑæã
"In their money and what they posses a right for those who seek
help, and for those poor who don't", yes, we tend to forget, we
always claim what is not ours my friend, all those blessings are His
first, allowed us to have, in order to share, but how soon some of
us forget. Allah says in Ayah  :
æíØÚãæä ÇáØÚÇã Úáì ÍÈå ãÓßíäÇ æíÊíãÇ æÃÓíÑÇ, ÅäãÇ äØÚãßã áæÌå Çááå áÇ
äÑíÏ ãäßã ÌÒÇÁ æáÇ ÔßæÑÇ
"And they feed from their food, though they love to keep, they feed
the Miskeen who cannot afford, the Orphan who does not have those
who support, and the prisoners who are captive, and they says while
they do this: we feed you for the sake of Allah, we do not ask a
reward from you, or even a word of thanks". Yes, this is the way of
a true believer in Allah, not those who keep finding excuses not to
help. Those too forgot those Ayahs, and this teaching, they wished
not to help, which was the reason for the destruction of what they
think they possessed.
      The Morning came, a sound in the house shouted: come, come
wake up, let us go to our great wealth, let us Harvest. They woke
up, dressed sharp, to show of in front of the people of their city,
walking tall and proud of their richness, A sound said: wait, stop
for a moment, remember what you promised yesterday, do not allow not
even one Poor soul or a Miskeen to take anything when they come
begging, many responded, yes, sure, we will not allow this to
happen. Now please allow me to ask you to open the Noble Qur'aan and
read the rest, what happened when they saw their land, and how
this story ends.
Yes my friend, we need to watch out what we wish for, how good or
bad, and how it makes Allah feels about it. We need to learn the
Noble Qur'aan to know what makes Allah happy with us, and how to get
His reward in Heaven, let us come back to the Noble Qur'aan, read,
learn, and understand what Allah says
ÑÈí ÒÏäí ÚáãÇ æÇáÍÞäí ÈÇáÕÇáÍíä æÇáÍãÏ ááå ÑÈ ÇáÚÇáãíä

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