ÈÓã Çááå ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍíã
The Color of Blood 2-84-1
 Dear readers, Al Salaam Aleikum. Today I am happy to announce a new 
book is available for all of you free, the name of the book is: 
Graves between Reality and Fiction. Order your free copy today. Also 
we gave many copies about Sourahs One of Al Fateha, Sourah 114 of Al 
Naas, and about how to make Good prayers too, and this is the fourth 
book we are giving out free praise to Allah only. Some of you asked 
me to give them beautiful Duaa (some call prayer) to memorize, this 
is why I will give a Duaa Insha Allah from here on at the beginning 
of every message for those who wish to have them, starting with this 
note today. Allah says 25:77:
Þá ãÇ íÚÈà Èßã ÑÈí áæáÇ ÏÚÇÆßã 
"Say: Allah will not trouble Himself about you if you do not call on 
Him in Duaa". Yes, how true, if you do not call upon Allah; why 
should He trouble Himself? My friend, this is a serious issue, Allah 
gave us all the blessings we live in today, He did not leave 
anything we need to live a good life without providing, He was the 
one to start, He walked toward you first, now it is your time to 
walk towards Him.
 Now, it is left up to you, Allah was so clear, He is free to do as 
He wishes, do not start asking ignorant questions that will change 
nothing about this, you have a choice, will you ask Allah for help, 
or will you keep chasing illusions and seeking others apart from 
Him? Allah says: He will not trouble Himself about your needs if you 
do not ask Him, why? My friend, when you ask Allah, this is a clear 
acknowledgment on your part that He is your LORD, and you are not a 
Hypocrite, saying Allah is the only one who we need, then you run 
after people like you, or run after Idols of any kind. Therefore, we 
all can see how important making Duaa is, let us learn Duaa together 
my friend. 
 Dear readers, let us start talking about Ayah 2:84 today, we 
finished talking a little about Ayah 83. Allah says in Ayah 2:84:
æÅÐ ÃÎÐäÇ ãíËÇÞßã áÇ ÊÓÝßæä ÏãÂÆßã
"We took your promise and made a Covenant with you not to kill one 
another and do not spell your own blood". Allah is speaking to the 
Jews, or the Israelis, this is true, but do you think we Muslims are 
in a better shape? Do you think Christians are in a better shape, do 
you think any other nation is in a shape fit for the humanity Allah 
created and preferred over all the beasts of the wild? We are worse 
than the fish that eat one another, we are in a more sad state than 
the insects the feed on those that are smaller in size. Look how we 
are today, look at how we hate each other, Sunni say: Shea are 
Kafir, Shea say: anyone who does not believe in their Imam way is a 
kafir, Wahabi are in a sad state, Sufi, Salafi, Mutazilah, Durzi, 
and all the rest. If the Hadeeth of Muhammad PBUH is true, all those 
are in Hell except one, which one is it? 
 I named this section of my message today by: the Color of Blood, 
and let me ask now: what is the color of yours, and how it differs 
from all those around. Do you believe your Blood is Red, others from 
non Muslims are colored in Green? No my friend, we all are colored 
the same way, we all are created from one man Adam, created by Allah 
even those who do not believe in Allah my friend. This is not the 
story of the Jews alone, killing one another, while they are from 
the same nation. How many were the times we Muslims had wars among 
ourselves, how about Christians, in their Religious wars between 
England and Ireland, they spelled endless lives in the name of Isa 
(Jesus) PBUH. No nation did not use killing against their very own, 
because we are evil by nature.
 How Allah looks at all this, this is what matters most. Allah says: 
whosoever kill an innocent soul for no reason, or just for the sake 
of corruption, as if he/she killed all of mankind (5:32). Allah also 
says: do not kill the soul He forbids except for a just cause 
(6:151), what souls Allah made forbidden for us to kill? Priority 
number one is: a believer is forbidden to kill another believer in 
Allah except by mistake (4:92), for killing another believer 
deserves Hell. In Ayah 3:21 Allah is so clear, those who kill the 
men of the LORD, also those who kill men who call for the path of 
Allah just because they are calling for just cause, those are in 
Hell. Anyway, let me not discuss the obvious with all of you, let me 
pick up what about those who do not believe and are not Muslims? 
 Many of us, many of those who are non Muslims misquote Qur'aan all 
the time, taking Ayahs out of context, to justify what they are 
doing. Ayah 7:127 says: the Pharaohs said: we will kill the Israelis 
children, and we will shame their women. Did Allah like this, even 
done to the Israelis, I don't think so. What about us and non 
Muslims I ask again? Allah says in Ayah 2:190: and fight for the 
sake of Allah those who fight you, but do not commit any Aggression, 
Allah does not like those who commit Aggression. Yes, we need to 
kill non Muslims when they come to kill us, but also this means that 
if they do not come to kill us, we should not seek their lives. 
Allah says: and if they seek peace, give them peace, if war they 
wish for, then give them Hell in return. When we go to war we go 
with mercy and fear from Allah, we do not abuse the situation and 
act like monsters as non Muslims do to us always.  
 Yes, we are not ordered to kill non Muslims just for who they are, 
but for what they are doing to us, and in self defense. Killing is 
evil, even Allah says so: you are ordered to fight while you hate 
fighting, but Allah knows that which is best. Therefore, we are not 
murderers, we kill in self defense, while some non Muslim claim how 
we kill for the joy of killing. Many were the times when Israelis 
killed one another when they used to live at Palestine, they even 
have a story in their book telling how they killed a whole tripe one 
day. Some stories they tell how David and his Army fought side by 
side with the Palestinians against the Israelis,  while he was one 
of them, till the Palestinians asked him to leave.
 Dear friend, look at the order of Allah to the Israelis, He said: 
we took your promise that you will not kill one another, meaning: 
Israelis killing Israelis, how evil people should be that Allah may 
order them not to kill one another like this? We are trying to learn 
from the mistakes of those, we are trying to draw attention how we 
Muslims should not follow this evil done by others, and we should 
stop the hate, the killing just because we differ in how we see 
things. We also need to stop acting like Gods to others, as if Allah 
does not exist. If someone does not believe as you believe, you have 
the right only to talk, not to touch and harm, because one day we 
all will go back to Allah to judge among us all. 
 Some of us hate the Jews for what they are doing to our people at 
Palestine, most of us hate the stupid rulers of the US for what 
those stupid are doing against our Muslim countries at Afghanistan, 
Palestine and Iraqi, but we should not also forget how hundreds of 
thousands of Jews are against what their people are doing to us, we 
need to remember how millions from the US are against this evil 
Satan Advocate at the White House today. Please remember when you 
look at others down, they run in Red on the inside, even if their 
color is different in what you see. Please do not commit aggression 
unto other Muslims also unto non Muslims, and please do not hate 
those who say: Allah is one, just because they do not follow the way 
you believe in. If both of you come back to the Noble Qur'aan 
instead, there will never be different Firkah among us again, but it 
is you who have the Qur'aan behind your back running after other 
books made by man, you left Mohammad PBUH as an Imam, running after 
another and calling yourself according to that.
 You say you are a Sunni, meaning stressing the Suunah, another says 
he is a Shea meaning in support to the Imam, a third may say: he is 
a Wahhabi, on the footsteps of Mohammad Iben Abdulwahab. While I say 
to all of you: I am Qur'aanic, following only what Allah said, 
please come to the Sunnah of Allah (48:23) before the Sunnah of 
Muhammad PBUH, come to the Imamah of Muhammad not the Imamah of Ali, 
come to THE Wahhab in Allah: ÇáæåÇÈ, before following Mohammad Iben 
Abdulwahhab, come to Allah and follow Him, stop following the 
temptations of your heart.
ÑÈí ÒÏäí ÚáãÇ æÇáÍÞäí ÈÇáÕÇáÍíä æÇáÍãÏ ááå ÑÈ ÇáÚÇáãíä

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