Mia berkata :
  Mengikuti diskusi mba Lina-Chae, di tempat lain pada saat bersamaan 
saya berdiskusi dengan topik yang (hampir) sama, warisan perempuan - 
dengan beberapa die-harder dari faithfreedom yang merajalela di 
WashingtonPost kolom Karen Armstrong. Di bawah saya sharing beberapa 

  Jano - ko =
  Mia, tologn dong jelaskan dulu apa itu "faithfreedom" oke ?, biar teman - 
temin bisa asyik membahasnya. 
  Kalau mia tidak bisa menjelaskan apa itu "faithfreedom" maka jano-ko 
mengajukan usul, bagaimana kalau you and jano-ko diskusi yang ringan-ringan aja.

  Selamat siang.

Mia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          Mengikuti diskusi mba Lina-Chae, di tempat lain pada saat bersamaan 
saya berdiskusi dengan topik yang (hampir) sama, warisan perempuan - 
dengan beberapa die-harder dari faithfreedom yang merajalela di 
WashingtonPost kolom Karen Armstrong. Di bawah saya sharing beberapa 

"I find that Ahmed's view and the manner of discussion has 
similarities with those of Muslim fundamentalist-literalist. As it 
happens now, in the other mailing list (Indonesian muslimah), two 
friends are engaging with almost the same kind of topic, women 



AHMED: "I cannot understand how Muslims can pick and choose the bits 
of the Quran they like - it's not a dinner menu or a smorgasbord - 
you don't get to pick and choose - you are commanded to obey the 
Quran and the Sunnah - not make up your own rules as you go along."

MIA: This is fundamentalist-literalist way of thinking - only of the 
opposite view. There are fundamentalists in Indonesia of course. It 
seemed to me the fundamentalism grew in Indonesia along with the 
urbanisation and modernisation.

AHMED: Muslims have no right to re-write the Quran. If you think you 
can re-interpret the Quran to your liking - go ahead. This just goes 
to show you disagree with the original Quranic proposition. What is 
your reasoning for doing so? Do you find it unjust and distaste?

Who died and made you a prophet? Nobody. As a Muslim you have been 
commanded to follow the Quran and Sunnah. Muhammad in the Quran laid 
down the inheritance laws for Muslims - he told Muslims to only give 
daughters 1/2 the inheritance of sons. That is unambiguous and 
clear. If you want to change it - go ahead - what you are doing is 
merely proving my point - and that the Quran is unjust.


AHMED: "Also, for you Muslimahs - please find out if I am telling 
you the truth about the character and behavior of your prophet - who 
murdered opponents, enslaved innocent women and children and sold 
them in the mosque, tortured enemies and commanded his followers to 
kill all those people in surrounding countries who do not want to 
convert to Islam. Oh... he also took sex slaves. These are all in 
the sahih hadiths."

MIA: This is not re-interpretation, this is accusation. I would ask 
myself hard questions if I had such thoughts about all prophets.

Example of re-interpretation, inheritance (I'll try to make it 
Context: During the ignorance period (jahilliyyah), women status 
were just like property and cattles. And there was expensive mahr, a 
price to pay for the tribe for giving their women. Please note, this 
was hard realities faced by women at that time.

Text of Quran and Hadis: daughters got 1/2 of sons' inheritance.

Lesson learned: Thus, the idea of women having property, even a half 
of men - was revolutionary. The idea was to bring the sense of 
equality among men and women during the transition period.

Based on the idea of maintaining equality among men and women, 
nowadays the inheritance should be more or less equal. Women are now 
more independent and we are moving from communal lives into 
individual. Mahr (dowry) remains as a symbol, it lost its social-
economic function. The sense of equality should reflect all these 

This way, we live through equality which is reflected in the way we 
interpret the text. And I believe this is the legacy that prophet 
Muhammad had left to us. We are the agents who could make the 
difference of re-interpreting the living Quran.

AHMED: totally wrong. That is just your claims. Khaditja was a 
successful business woman - she was independent and wealthy. The 
rights of pagan Arab women were far superior to that of Muslim 
women. They had full and equal rights - before Muhammad came along.

They didn't have to cover themselves or make themselves subservient 
to any man. That is true equality. Muhammad stuffed that up with his 
sexist misogynistic views. He turned women into chattel. Now you 
twist things such that he liberated them. 

Your prophet gave you only 1/2 the inheritance of males and your 
testimony is only worth 1/2 that of males because you have 1/2 of 
the intelligence of males. Those are the opinions of your prophet. I 
didn't make this up. Muhammad did.

How do you think this is equality in any sense? 

Oh... and he did say Muslims can 'beat' their wives and engage in 
polygamy and have as many sex slaves as they like - how is that 
equality from a woman's perspective?


Ahmed Hussain: 
What accusation you want me to prove? Go ahead and pick one and I 
will prove the accusation to you.

Sex slavery? No problem.

Murder of opponents? No problem.

Torture of enemies? No problem.

Banditry? No problem.

Enslaving women and children? No problem.

Selling slaves in the mosque? No problem.

What else do you want me to prove?

Read the quran, Muslimah - about the part where your husband has the 
god-given right to take other wives and have sex with sex-slaves. 
Does that make you feel good? Is that the sort of 'equality' you're 
thinking of when you think of Islamic equality?

How did those millions of sex slaves feel when Muslims killed their 
husbands and took them for slaves? I suppose it's all right since 
Muhammad said it's okay for a Muslim to have sex with his sex-slave.



I find that Ahmed's view and the manner of discussion has 
similarities with those of Muslim fundamentalist-literalist. As it 
happens now, in the other mailing list (Indonesian muslimah), two 
friends are engaging with almost the same kind of topic, women 

The literalist is on the opinion that the law of inheritance cannot 
be changed as it is the final word of Allah in the Quran. People 
should follow exactly what the text says, no other opinion. 
Daughters should inherit 1/2 of sons, period. This is in line with 
what Ahmet says. While the progressive one is more or less at the 
same opinion with what I wrote previously.

Yet, they both strive to be good Muslims, and believe in Muhammad - 
which is obviously the opposite of Ahmed Hussein here.

So....it seems that the work of Islamic text re-interpretation meet 
many internal and external obstacles. But the books of Ms. Armstrong 
just give us more inspiration and enhance our self-confidence. KEEP 



Ahmed: "Those are the opinions of your prophet. I didn't make this 
up. Muhammad did."

I found this pattern in all Ahmed's posting, Muhammad this..Muhammad 
that...Is Muhammad in this mailing list also, I wonder?

I met many ex-Muslims or non-Muslims middle easterners. I just don't 
recall the one with this kind of antipathy toward the figure of 



Ahmed: "Khaditja was a successful business woman - she was 
independent and wealthy"

MIA: Except for mispelling her name, I agree with Ahmed about 
Khadija. A noble woman who fell in love with the young Muhammad, her 
employee. They both were whom we called 'the hanifs' , good natured 
people who seek for the truth and regularly meditated, during the 
period of transition, when the old customs were breaking apart.

Khadija was Muhammad's soulmate. For the good 15 years the were 
together. Muhammad consulted for his wife's opinion about the first 
revelation. The year she died that was devastating for Muhammad.

In the spirit of Valentine's day, I remember Muhammad and Khadijah. 
And thanks for reminding me of this, Ahmed.

Happy Valentine, everyone!



Ahmed Hussain: 
I happen to know quite a bit more about Islam and Muhammad than you, 
Victoria and Karen Armstrong - having studied the subject in depth 
in my youth.

I also know Middle East apostates do not speak their apostacy out 
loud because Muhammad commanded his followers to kill apostates. 
Even today apostates from Islam are killed, tortured, imprisoned or 
otherwise punished.

Ever wondered about the holiness and divinity of that? A true 
religion does not need to keep adherents by coercion and threats of 

I also note you and Victoria are not following the real Islam but 
merely watered-down make-believe "I'll just ignore the verses I 
don't like" Islam.

Call me a literalist if you like - but I happen to know that Muslims 
are commanded to OBEY the Quran - not disobey it.

So does 4:11 tell Muslims to only give daughters 1/2 as much as 
sons? Yes or No. I think it's yes but you obviously can read Arabic 
and know differently.


PS: what do you think about Muhammad allowing Muslims to keep 
multiple wives and sex slaves? Is that sexual equality to you? I'm 
sure it is.


Ahmed Hussain: 
To Mia,
Valentine's Day in the Muhammad household (timing a bit compressed):

Muhammad and Khatidja and Sauda and Aisha and Hafsa and Juwayriyya 
and Safiyya and Umm Salama and Zaynab bint Jansh and Umm Habiba and 
Maimuna and Fatimah and Hind and Asma bint Saba and Zaynab bint 
Khozayma and Asma bint al-Numan and Rayhana and Mariah bint Sham'un 
and Maimuna the slave girl and Zaynab the third and Khawla and Umm 

Very romantic in the Muhammad household.



You forgot to add the 72 houris to the list.
BTW your arguments are excellent, good show !!

Are you from FFI ? you sound like one. If not we'll be glad if you'd 
join us in the forum.





Ross and Ahmed,
Please deh (a slang in Indonesia), I wouldn't think that Muhammad 
and his household knew about Valentine's? 

Is Muhammad in this mailing list? It's me who remember Muhammad on 
the Valentine's day, and extend to you all Happy Valentine...:-) 

Mia (while waiting valentines' wish from my sons...:-((



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