Tolong sebelum kirim email, digoogling dulu.. gitu loh.. emang sih banyak
hoax.. yang pertama kirim/modif hoax, rese'  juga nih..

Menyebarkan hoax, lalu hoaxnya dipatahkan, hanya merupakan promosi gratis
nama supermarket/hypermarket yang disebut..


Filed In:

   1. Urban Legends and Folklore <>

Foiled Abduction at Sam's Club

*By David Emery*

Another familiar urban legend hit the email circuit in 1999 as warnings
appeared about the attempted abduction of a child in the restroom of a
discount store called Sam's Club (a nationwide chain in the U.S. owned by
Wal-Mart). At least three different versions are circulating.

Purportedly written by a witness who saw the events unfold, all three texts
tell the tale of the mother of a 4-year-old who looks up from the meat
counter and discovers her daughter has vanished. The management of the store
is notified, at which point all exits are locked and employees search for
the child. Minutes later, she is found in the restroom, unharmed except that
her hair was partially shaven and some of her clothing removed in an
apparent attempt to disguise her appearance. The moral of the story is
bluntly stated: "Please keep an eye out for your kids when going to these
shopping places."

The narrative itself is at least 20 years old and did not originate at Sam's
Club. It's a staple of American folklore, with versions set in amusement
parks, shopping malls, and department stores of virtually every metropolitan
area in the U.S.

Jan Harold Brunvand catalogued several of these in his 1986 collection of
urban legends, *The Mexican Pet*. This version was told by a teenager in
Fairfax, Virginia:

   My mom's friend told her about a little boy around 7 years old. It seems
that the boy and his mother were shopping in the "Toys R Us" store and the
boy wandered a little bit away from his mother to go look at something. A
few minutes later, this mother started looking for the boy. She couldn't
find him. Crying, she rushed up and told a clerk, who immediately locked the
doors. Everyone searched. They found the boy, with two men. Only his hair
was cut and his shirt was changed so he would look different.– *The Mexican
Pet*, W.W. Norton & Co. (1986), p. 153

The legend became so popular in the early '80s that it turned up repeatedly
in the press as hard news, only to be retracted soon afterward when no
substantiation could be found. Even Ann Landers fell for it, admitting later
she'd mistaken folklore for fact.

The *Beloit Daily News* ran a local variant of the story in 1983, correctly
identifying it as apocryphal:

   A woman was shopping with her child at a Beloit (Wisconsin) department
store when she turned her back for a moment. The next thing she knew, her
child was gone. Store officials blocked off exits and searched the store.
   The child was found in the bathroom with two women who had cut her hair
and put different clothes on her. The two women supposedly were released so
the store could avoid "bad publicity."
   There's just one catch. Not a word of the story is true, according to the
Beloit Police Department, which investigated the persistent rumor.– *Beloit
Daily News*, Dec. 1, 1983

*The Internet version*

As Brunvand observes, the poignant moral for parents combined with public
awareness of real-life child abductions have kept the legend alive across
the decades. It first appeared in email form in mid-August 1999:
Subject: Remain Alert at All Times

Please Take Notice!!! FW: Important Info!! Please Read!!!!!

Hi guys! Please take the time and forward this to any friend who has
children! Thanks!

Hi all
Wanted to share something that happened today while shopping at Sam's club.
A mother was leaning over looking for meat in the meat dept. and turned
around to find her 4 yr. old daughter was missing. I was standing there
right beside her and heard her calling her daughter with no luck. I asked a
man who worked at Sam's to announce it over the loud speaker that Katie was
missing. Well, he did, and let me say he walked right on past me when I
asked, went to a pole where there was a phone right there to make his
announcement for all doors, and gates to be locked, with a code something or they locked all the doors at once. This took all of 3 min. as
soon as I asked this guy to do this.

They found the little girl 5 min. later crunched in a bathroom stall, her
head was half shaved, and she was dressed in her underwear with a bag of
clothes, a razor, and wig sitting on the floor right besides her. Whoever
this person was, took the little girl, brought her into the bathroom, shaved
half her head intending to shave it all, undressed her in less than 10 min.
It makes me shake to no end.

Please keep an eye out for your kids when going to these shopping places. It
only took a few minutes to do all of this, another 5 min and she would have
been out the door...I am still in shock that some sick person could do this,
let alone in a matter of minutes... The little girl is fine...thank God for
fast workers who didn't take any chances. Thanks for reading.

A less widely circulated variant (see email
specifies Austin, Texas as the setting, but employees with whom I spoke at
both of the Austin area Sam's Clubs told me they knew of no such incidents
actually occurring.

Still another email version (see email
contains information about the Code
alluded to in the the story. Code Adam is a special alert sent over
the public address system in Wal-Mart and Sam's Club stores alerting
employees of a missing child. The program has been credited with stopping at
least one abduction (in a Wal-Mart in Crawfordsville, Indiana in 1993) and
has inspired other retailers to institute similar measures.

While the *exact* incident described in this story has never been
documented, it obviously contains a grain of truth. Child abductions do
occur and they're every parent's worst nightmare. The legend functions as a
cautionary tale.

But does a useful message justify passing along false information? People
should consult their conscience before doing so, because the net effect is
to generate real terror based on an incident that never happened. As one
reader complained to Ann Landers after she published the story as "true" in
1985, "Reminding people to watch their kids is one thing. Scaring the pants
off them is another."

Safety matters, but so does the truth.

> 03<javascript:void(0)>:48:13
> To:
> cc:
> Subject: Fw: Modus penculikan anak di Carefour - Perhatian untuk
> semua
> Walaupun anda tidak/belum punya anak kecil sekalipun,tolongsebarkan
> informasiini kepada semua saja yang mungkin membutuhkan, yang dapatanda
> ingat. Anda tak pernah bisa tahu siapa yang akan anda selamatkandengan
> mengirim informasi yang ada di eMail ini.
> Mohon meluangkan waktu untuk meneruskan(forward) kepada semua teman
> yangpunya anak kecil ataupun cucu. Terima Kasih. Ini adalah sharing
> kamiatassuatu kejadian yangterjadi pada hari itu sewaktu sedang
> belanjadi
> Carefour.
> Seorang ibu sedang melongok persediaan daging yang ada, dan sesaat
> kemudianberbalik dan menemukan bahwa anak perempuannya yang berumur 4
> tahuntidakberada lagi ditempat/ hilang. Saya pada saat itu kebetulan
> sedang
> berdiridisamping ibu tersebut, dan kemudian ibu tersebut memanggil
> manggilanaknyatetapi tanpa hasil.
> Saya kemudian meminta tolong kepada seorang pegawai Carrefour
> untukmengumumkan kehilangan anak tersebut melalui pengeras suara.
> Halmanadilakukannya, dengan segera berjalan disamping saya kesebuah
> teleponyangtersedia dan mengumumkan bahwa semua pintu dan jalur keluar
> manapunsupayasegera ditutup/dikunci dengan menyebutkan sebuah
> kodetertentu.Kemudianseluruh jalan keluar dengan segera ditutup.
> Keseluruhannya ini hanyabutuhwaktu 3(tiga) menit sejak saya meminta untuk
> diumumkan.
> Mereka kemudian berhasil menemukan si anak kecil tersebut dalam
> keadaanterbius di salah satu ruang kamar mandi yang ada. Kepalanya
> sudahsetengahdicukur,hanya mengenakan pakaian dalamnya saja,danada
> taspakaian,sebuah pencukur (razor) dan sebuah wig dilantai isampingnya.
> Jadisiapapunorang ini, dia berhasil mengambil anak gadis rsebut,
> membawanya kekamarmandi, mencukur separuh kepalanya dan melepaskan
> pakaiannya hanyadalamwaktu kira-kira kurang dari 10 menit.
> Hal mana membuat saya geleng-geleng kepala, hampir tidak dapatdipercaya.
> Jadi harap mengawasi anak/cucu anda ketika sedang berada di
> tempatterbukaseperti Mall Mall dimana akan sangat mudah terpisahkan secara
> taksengaja.
> Dalam kasus diatas hanya dibutuhkan waktu yang sedemikian pendeknya
> untukmelaksanakan kejahatan itu.
> 5 menit lagi saja dan anak tersebut akan sudah lewat dari pintu danhilang.
> Hingga saat ini saya masih tidak habis pikir bagaimana mungkin adaorang
> yang segilaini,apalagidapat melaksanakan hanya dalam hitunganmenitsaja.
> Kiranyalewatsudahhari-haridimana
> anak-anakdapatberkeliarankesanakemaridanpaling sial yang akan terjadi
> adalah merekamengganggupengunjung lainnya saja.
> Si gadis kecil tersebut memang baik baik saja berkat karyawan
> yangsigap,perhatian dan tidak mau mengambil resiko.
> Important Notice: This e-mail transmission is intended only for the use of
> the named addressee, and may contain material/information that is private,
> confidential or legally privileged. Any retransmission, dissemination or
> other use of, or the taking of any action in reliance upon this
> material/information by anyone other than the named addressee is prohibited.
> If it is received in error by anyone other than the named addressee, please
> immediately notify the sender at the address and telephone/telefax number or
> e-mail address set forth herein, delete the material/information from any
> computer and destroy any copies or print-outs that may have been made of
> this material/information. Thank you.
> DISCLAIMER: Internet communications are not secure. While every reasonable
> effort has been made to ensure that this communication has not been tampered
> with, PT United Tractors Tbk cannot be responsible for alterations made to
> the contents of this message without its express consent. If you wish to
> receive a hard copy of this message, please contact the sender. Opinions,
> conclusions and other information in this message that do not relate to the
> official business of the company shall be understood as neither given nor
> endorsed by PT United Tractors Tbk.


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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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