----- Original Message ----- 
From: Zifri Baharudin 
To: Ikhwanul Muslimun 
Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2008 2:05 PM
Subject: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] networking tools for students - 


This is another excellent networking tools for students for sharing 
courseworks/assignments and for lecture-related discussions. Its just recently 

I had a chance to try it and made some feedbacks to the owners. The owners are 
getting some involvements from the lecturers in the UK universities for using 
this service. Some are already in, while many more in the pipeline. Otherwise 
this is an excellent tools.

Please note you will need "academic email address" to register. Although 
majority members at the moment are from UK universities, you dont have to be a 
UK student to join.

Please pass on to other students.






I wanted to let you all know - me and a friend Adam have been working on a 
website for the last 6 months or so.


Please check it out!!

Unicitee is a website made for students and lecturers that allows you to 
collaborate, discuss and work together on your university courses.  
 Upload lecture notes, coursework assignments and past papers 
 Post questions, comments, links, ideas and opinions 
 Watch (and upload) streaming audio/video of each of your lectures  
 Search for similar modules at other universities 
 Send Messages to your fellow students and lecturers 
 Get organised with the online timetable, to-do list and calendar 
FYI you need to have an academic email address to register...so i guess you 
will have to check the site tour out if not.

PLEASE can i ask u all to forward the link on to all your friends/fam and ppl u 
knw at uni. IA hope it spreads by word of mouth.

The site is aimed at essentially creating a mini home page for each of your uni 
course modules, with discussion forums, posted 
document/videos/audio/links/messaging etc.  

Thoughts/ideas please!

shaz + adam
1st February 2008


      Frequently Asked Questions   

Why should I become a member of Unicitee? 
Unicitee is invaluable for students and lecturers. Unicitee allows members to 
upload lecture notes, past papers and other course material in one central 
portal allowing easy access for all students on a particular course. Members 
can initiate discussion topics on anything course related and collaborate 
effectively with their peers. 

How do I join Unicitee? 
Simply click here and fill in a short form to register quickly and easily. 

Are there any conditions that I must meet before I can join? 
Currently, in order to sign up to Unicitee, we require that you are either a 
university student or lecturer, this means you must have an academic email 
address that ends in the relevant domain for your university.

Is it free to join? 
Yes it is completely free to sign up to Unicitee and use the services it 

How do I get started? 
Its easy! Once registered, click "Browse Modules" in the left hand bar, which 
will show you all modules available at your university.  From here, simply 
click on the modules you are currently studying, and choose "Enrol".  Once 
enrolled, you will be able to create new discussion topics, post 
documents/videos, and comment freely. 

If you are studying a module which isn't listed on Unicitee, then you can 
easily add your own by clicking the "Add Module" link in the left hand bar. 
Fill in a simple form to add the module. This allows other members to enrol on 
that course module in the future.

Can I enrol on modules at other universities? 
No, you can only enrol on modules at your own university. You can view and read 
discussions for modules at other universities, however you will not able to 
post comments/topics or access their documents.

Certain features will be disabled on  modules which you are not elegible to 
fully access. 
What can I upload?
You can upload course material in many different forms: pdf/ppt/doc/xls and 
many many more.  Note executable files may not be uploaded for security 
reasons. You can also upload videos which are converted into flash video 
automatically for easy viewing. Simply click "post a file" on the relevant 
sub-section of your course module.

Can I leave a module that I previously enrolled on? 
Yes, click on "Manage Modules" on the left hand bar and simply click "leave 
course" on the course module you wish to leave.

What is My Organiser? 
The "Organiser" section allows Unicitee members to organize their life at 
university in one place. Set up your timetable and always be on top of your 
week ahead. Create calendar events and reminders, write down tasks you have in 
the handy to-do-list section, and make quick notes in the sticky notes section. 
  Note todays timetable and upcoming events appear on your home page once you 
log in, providing everything you need at your fingertips.

I found inappropriate content at Unicitee, what should I do? 
If a comment/topic/document is inappropriate then click the "report abuse" link 
next to the comment and we shall deal with it accordingly.  We take our 
responsibilities seriously and want Unicitee to be clean from spam and 
inappropriate content. 

Can I send private messages to individuals?
Yes, Click on the members profile and send them a message from there, or click 
the "send message" link next to one of the comments made by a member. A message 
will then appear in the inbox of the recipient.  Unicitee's messaging system is 
free from spam.

How do I browse members enrolled on a particular module, or doing my course at 
my university? 
It's easy to view who else is enrolled on each of your modules, or on your 
course.  Click the links on the module, or on the left side bar:

How do I report a bug or error discovered on the site? 
Please fill in the short form on the Contact Us page.

How can I edit my details? 
You can change your details, including your profile photo at any time! Click 
the My Details page to do so.

I have forgotten my password, what can I do? 
In the login box click "Lost password" and follow instructions from there. Your 
password will be emailed to the address used to register on Unicitee.

Can I create multiple accounts? 
No, We currently only allow one account per email address.

How do I invite people to Unicitee? 
Spread the word! Use the tool on your homepage to invite all your friends 
currently at university.

How can I remove my account from Unicitee? 
To remove your account, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] from the email address with 
which you are registered with and state that you would like to leave. 

I have an idea/feedback for Unicitee!
Unicitee was built for students and lecturers.  We need you to tell us where we 
are going right, and where we are going wrong!  Your ideas and requirements are 
valuable to us - we want Unicitee to set the standard for online academic 
collaboration.  Please fill in the short form on the Contact Us page.

Still need help? 
Contact us here and we'll get back in touch! 


                   Register  Help  Login  

                        Unicitee is a website made for students and lecturers 
that allows you to collaborate, discuss and work together on your university 
                             Upload lecture notes, coursework assignments and 
past papers 
                             Post questions, comments, links, ideas and 
                             Watch (and upload) streaming audio/video of each 
of your lectures  
                             Search for similar modules at other universities 
                             Send Messages to your fellow students and 
                             Get organised with the online timetable, to-do 
list and calendar 



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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