Di Beijing, Ruqaya al-Ghasara, atlet putri tercepat di Asia, sedang
bersiap-siap berlomba dengan saingan-saingan tingkat dunia.
Keikutsertaan atlet putri negara Teluk, apalagi dengan prestasi
gemilang seperti ini, bagaikan "revolusi" di dunia Islam.
Seperti saya tulis sebelumnya, partisipasi olahragawati muslim masih
menimbulkan masalah, walaupun berbusana tertutup rapat seperti yang
dikenakan Ruqaya:
1) memperlihatkan bentuk tubuh
2) tampil di muka umum yang bukan mahram, khawatir menimbulkan fitnah.

Solusinya? Larang saja kaum konservatif untuk nonton acara olimpiade,
dan biarkan Ruqaya berlari mengejar cita-citanya.

Rupanya tetap saja ada yang tidak rela atlet muslimah berlaga di
jenjang internasional.

Atlet putri Afghanistan, Mehboba Ahdyar, tidak mendapat kesempatan
sebaik Ruqaya.
Kendati sudah meraih tiket cabang Atletik, berlatih di Itali, bahkan
wajahnya menghiasi website Olimpiade,
Mehboba (19), satu-satunya atlet putri dalam kontingen Afghanistan,
batal berangkat ke Beijing.
Seperti halnya Ruqaya, Mehboba senantiasa mengenakan jilbab dan
setelan baju dan celana panjang.
Pelari jarak 800m dan 1500m ini menghilang dari kamp latihannya di Itali dan
meminta suaka politik di Eropa.
Alasannya, keselamatannya terancam setelah berkali-kali menerima surat
kaleng dari kaum ekstremis.
(berita di bawah)

Larilah Mehboba, Lari. (*)

(*) dari film "Run, Lola, Run," http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0130827/

07/14/2008 03:32 PM
Afghan Athlete Seeks Asylum in Europe

Mehboba Ahdyar was to be the poster-child for the Olympics but the
19-year-old Afghan runner ran away from an Italian training camp last
week. She has since told her parents she is too scared of reprisals
and plans to seek asylum in Europe.

Mehboba Ahdyar was shouldering the heavy burden of overwhelming
expectations. And in the end, it proved more than she could bear. The
19-year-old from Kabul was to be the only female athlete representing
Afghanistan in this summer's Olympic Games in Beijing. Now the young
woman has run away, leaving a training camp in Italy and telling her
family she is applying for political asylum in Europe.

Mehboba Ahdyar has opted to seek asylum instead of competing in the Olympics.
Getty Images

Mehboba Ahdyar has opted to seek asylum instead of competing in the Olympics.
The young runner, who competes in the 800 meters and 1,500 meters, had
become the poster girl for the Olympic movement, with her face
adorning the International Olympic Committee's Web site.

But being in the international spotlight had attracted the wrong kind
of attention. Although Ahdyar always ran in a headscarf and wore long
tracksuit bottoms she still received death threats from extremists who
objected to a Muslim woman taking part in sports at all.

When she received visits from Western media earlier this year, her
neighbors called the police telling them she was obviously a
prostitute working for foreign clients. Her father, a carpenter, even
spent time in jail until the issue was cleared up.

The attempt to revive women's sport in Afghanistan has been an uphill
battle. The 2004 Olympics marked the first time female Afghan athletes
had competed in the games since the fall of the Taliban in 2001. The
country had been banned from the 2000 games because the Islamist
regime had not allowed women to compete.

Afghanistan is now fighting a resurgent Taliban and in a country where
women are still regarded as second-class citizens, militants often
target organizations and individuals who champion women's issues.

The German coach of the Afghan women's soccer team, Klaus Stärk, told
SPIEGEL ONLINE earlier this year that he had to train his players on a
small pitch at a US army base in Kabul because it would be too
dangerous for them to play anywhere else. He even brought the female
players to his native Stuttgart to give them the chance to play on
regulation-sized fields.

While those women were happy to return to their lives in Afghanistan,
Ahdyar took the decision to flee her country and gave up her chance to
compete at the Olympics.

She had been training with the International Association of Athletics
Federations (IAAF) at a facility at Formia in Italy and was due to
travel back to a high-performance center in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on
July 7. Instead she went missing, taking her luggage and passport with
her. There were initially fears that she could have been abducted. The
Afghan Olympic Committee then claimed that she had a leg injury. Its
deputy chairman Sayed Mahmoud Zia Dashti told the Associated Press
last week that she was receiving treatment for her leg in Italy.

However, Ahdyar contacted her family late last week. She told them
that she was in Europe and would not be coming back. She said she was
scared of reprisals because of her sports career. Her parents are now
reportedly under pressure from members of the Afghan Olympic
Committee, who say that if she does not come back they will be held
responsible and could be thrown in jail.



    * http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,565713,00.html

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