Kolumnis Boston Globe Ellen Goodman memberikan hadiah-hadiah kepada
para pembuat berita seksis tahun ini.
- hakim di Rusia yang membatalkan gugatan pelecehan seksual karena
"... tanpa pelecehan seksual, kita tidak bisa punya anak."
- hakim di Prancis yang membatalkan pernikahan pasangan muslim karena
penganten laki-laki menggugat istrinya tidak perawan lagi.
- pembuat video game "Grand Theft Auto IV" yang dalam permainan itu
ada adegan intim dengan pelacur dan kemudian membunuhnya.
- pembuat "Miss Bimbo," online game untuk wanita, yang menganjurkan
berbagai make-over, mengenakan baju tidur seksi sampai operasi
- istri-istri politisi yang selingkuh: Silda istri Gubernur New York
Eliot Spitzer, dan Elizabeth istri kandidat Presiden John Edwards,
yang bersikukuh di samping suami mereka.
- media massa anti-Hillary Clinton.


One small step for women, one giant leap for sexism

By Ellen Goodman  |  August 22, 2008

ONCE MORE we prepare to honor our foremothers by celebrating the
anniversary of the passage of women's suffrage. Each year, in advance
of Aug. 26, our one-woman committee gathers to hand out the Equal
Rites Awards to those stalwarts who have done the most in the past
year to set back the cause of women.

What to say of the last 12 months? This is the year girls finally
caught up with boys in math achievement. And the year women finally
achieved equality with men in job losses. This year we had the first
serious female contender for the White House. And all she will end up
with at the convention is a roll call vote.

But enough of all that. The envelopes please.

We begin with the highly competitive Blind Justice Award. This usually
goes to some worthy American, but a Russian judge swept ahead of the
pack when he ruled against a woman's charge of sexual harassment. "If
we had no sexual harassment," he said, "we would have no children." We
send this judge the blindfold to use as a gag.

Can he lend it to a French colleague? In Lille, a judge granted an
annulment to a Muslim groom because his bride was not a virgin,
"single and chaste." For this, he wins the Taliban Wannabe Prix, with
a side order of freedom fries and our hope that he will not permit
stoning on the Champs-Élysées.

Back on this side of the Atlantic, the Fashion Victim Award goes to
Wrangler Jeans for ads that display women as half-dressed corpses. Ah,
yes, homicide is so chic! Dead is the new black! Our prize is a sword
thrust through their profit margin.

Sex and violence sell in the virtual world as well. The makers of
"Grand Theft Auto IV" win the Raging Hormonal Imbalance Trophy for
training men how to have interactive intimacy with prostitutes and
then murder them. They call this a game.

Meanwhile, in the online girlworld, the Post-Feminist Booby Prize goes
to those wondrous creators of "Miss Bimbo." This game encourages
bimbos-in-training to buy their avatars everything from sexy lingerie
to face lifts and breast implants, thereby producing "the hottest,
coolest, most famous bimbo in the whole world." You go, bimbo!

Do I hear the sound of a backlash? The Backlash Award goes to
Washington University, which gave an honorary degree to Phyllis
Schlafly for leading the charge against women's rights. What's next,
honoraries for segregationists?

Alas, we hoped to retire the Tammy Wynette Stand by Your Man Award.
But there was Silda standing by Eliot Spitzer when New York's
then-governor had his taste in prostitutes revealed. And what to say
about the admired Elizabeth Edwards? She didn't do the perp's wife's
walk, but didn't she enable John to think he could still be president?
We send these wives our disappointment.

This leads us to the Dubious Equality Award for the person who wins
the most suspect equal right. Our winner is Thomas Beatie, nee Tracy,
who gave birth after a sex-change operation, thereby dubbing himself
the first man to have a baby. This is not what we mean by shared

What's next on the baby front? Tarted-up tots? The Our Bodies, Our
Daughters Citation goes to those fetishists selling stilettos for baby
girls. Hey guys, they're babies, not babes. Get thee to the foot

Or the football field. Our Superstars of Sexism Prize goes to those
Jets fans - you know who you are - who spend halftime lined up,
whistling and demanding that women display their breasts. For this
brain malfunction you get a chauvinist pigskin.

Which reminds us of the Media Ms.-Adventure Award. With
Hillary-misogyny all around, we picked our winners from opposite ends
of the radio dial. The right-wing Rush Limbaugh insisted that
Americans wouldn't want to watch a woman aging in the White House. The
left-wing Randi Rhodes called the senator a "big [expletive] whore."
Their prize is spending the rest of the election locked together in
one studio.

Finally, dishonorable mention to all those with bumper stickers
reading "Life's a Bitch, Don't Elect One." We cover them with the
final words of Susan B. Anthony: "Failure Is Impossible."

Ellen Goodman's e-mail address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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