Last update - 08:20 21/06/2009     

      Report: At least 19 killed in Iran protests  
      By Haaretz Service and News Agencies  
      Tags: Israel News, Ahmadinejad  

      At least 19 people were killed in Iran on Saturday, CNN quoted a Tehran 
hospital source as saying, as thousands of protesters marched on waiting 
security forces that fought back with baton charges, tear gas and water 

      CNN also cited unconfirmed reports as putting the death toll as 150 on 
the seventh day of post-election protests, which took place in defiance of the 
Islamic Republic's highest authority. 

      Witnesses said 2,000 to 3,000 were on the streets, fewer than the 
hundreds of thousands earlier in the week, but a clear challenge to Supreme 
Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who used his sermon Friday to endorse disputed 
election results that gave hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a landslide 

      Many of the protesters, wearing black, chanted "Death to the dictator!" 
and "Death to dictatorship!" near Revolution Square in downtown Tehran, setting 
off fierce clashes with police. 

      Iran's state television, meanwhile, reported Sunday that the Islamic 
Republic has arrested members of an exiled opposition group it accused of 
"terrorist activities" including setting buses on fire and destroying public 

      The report, which did not directly mention the election or the unrest, 
said the arrested members of the Mujahideen Khalq Organisation had entered Iran 
after receiving training in neighbouring Iraq. It said they were guided by the 
group's "operation room" in Britain. 

      "Leaders of this group had encouraged members to carry out terrorist 
activities such as setting buses and gas stations on fire and attacking Basijis 
[Islamic militiamen] and destroying public property," state television said. 

      It did not say how many people were arrested or when. 

      Report: Suicide bomber attacks Khomeini shrine 

      In a separate incident, a state-run television channel reported that a 
suicide bombing at the shrine of the Islamic Revolution leader Ayatollah 
Ruhollah Khomeini killed at least two people and wounded eight. The report 
could be not independently evaluated due to government restrictions on 

      Also Saturday, Iranian opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi declared he 
is "ready for martyrdom," according to aides, as he called on his supporters to 
continue protesting despite warnings by Khamenei that violations of the law 
will result in bloodshed. 

      On his Web site, Mousavi also called for a national strike if he is 
arrested. In a letter to Iran's Guardian Council, which is investigating 
voting-fraud allegations in the June 12 presidential election, he said some 
ballot boxes had been sealed before voting began. 

      He also said thousands of his representatives had been expelled from 
polling stations and some mobile polling stations had boxes filled with fake 

      The council, Iran's highest legislative body, said Saturday it was ready 
to recount a random 10 percent of the votes cast in the June 12 poll to meet 
the complaints of Mousavi and two other candidates who lost to Ahmadinejad. 

      Related articles: 

      a.. ANALYSIS / Mousavi testing how far he can take Iran protests 

      a.. Zvi Bar'el / Which Iran would Israel bomb? 

      a.. Obama urges Iran to halt violence against 

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