Refleksi : Buah-buahan bisa dimakan, tetapi banyak orang tak berduit  untuk 
beli, jadi....

Indonesians need to eat more fruit: Minister
The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Sun, 06/27/2010 9:27 PM | National 

Agriculture Minister Suswono said Indonesian's fruit consumption, at 32.67 
kilograms a year per capita, was low.

The Food and Agriculture Organization recommends the consumption of 65.75 
kilograms per year per capita.

"This is a challenge for us to raise a public campaign to eat more fruit," 
Suswono said during the opening ceremony of the Mekarsari Guava Festival in 
Bogor on Sunday.

The low consumption was blamed on low purchasing power and culinary habits, 
Suswono was quoted as saying by news portal 

"Eating is synonymous with rice. If an Indonesian does not eat rice, they feel 
they haven't eaten. We need to convince people that meals can be diverse," he 

Suswono said prices for local fruit, which were often higher than for imported 
fruit, should be a focus for the government.

He said that with higher fruit consumption, average consumption of 
carbohydrates would decrease by 1.5 percent per year.

An Indonesian household consumes an average of 110 kilograms of rice per year. 
Other Southeast Asian countries consume only 90 kilograms, Suswono said.

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