>From IRC:

[23:02]<jfry> Hey there, have any of you built a gem locally from the watir
trunk?[23:02]<jfry> I've done it successfully a long time back, I think.
[23:02]<jfry> Just tried now and got:[23:02]<jfry> ERROR: Error installing
watir-1.5.6.gem:[23:02]<jfry> watir requires watir-common (>= 0)[23:02]<jfry
> Does that mean anything to you?[23:07]<pettichord> hi there[23:08]<
pettichord> you'll also need to build the watir-common gem[23:08]<pettichord
> "rake gem" in the watir-common directory
I've searched for a directory called common or watir-common and came up
blank. I also tried:
C:\dev\watir>rake gem
...Which created a pkg directory, containing
10/13/2008  11:12 PM           254,464 watir-1.5.6.gem

...but clearly I'm missing something because both of the following still
fail for me:

C:\dev\watir\pkg>gem install watir-1.5.6.gem
Bulk updating Gem source index for: http://gems.rubyforge.org/
ERROR:  Error installing watir-1.5.6.gem:
        watir requires watir-common (>= 0)

C:\dev\watir\pkg>gem install watir-1.5.6.gem --local
ERROR:  Error installing watir-1.5.6.gem:
        watir requires watir-common (>= 0)

What am I missing?


Jeff Fry


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