Hi All,

Here's a solution to find the visible elements in Firefox.
Override the Elements class in MozillaBaseElement.rb file to include
the below code -

require 'firewatir'
class Element

def visible?
 jssh_command = "var val = 'true'; var str = ''; var obj =
#{element_object}; while (obj != null) { try { str =
#{DOCUMENT_VAR}.defaultView.getComputedStyle(obj,null).display; if
(str=='none') { val = 'false'; break; }  } catch(err) {} obj =
obj.parentNode; } val;"

 jssh_socket.send("#{jssh_command}\n", 0)
 vals = read_socket()


The above uses the same logic as the wiki page that Ċ½eljko had
mentioned for overriding watir's visible method.
Hence the visible method should work the same way in both ie and
Hope this is helpful ....

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