Chuck,  I think you may have misunderstood the conversation.
Let me assure you that unittests work and pass.
It was I who made a mistake of not reading release notes where Bret stated
that we should run unittests from svn.

Please take a peek at SVN.
you can see Watir, watir-common and firewatir and if you check out the
source you can run all unit tests (see As folders were moved, new ones
created all unit tests are run for the whole Watir project. In TDD fashion
no refactoring can be done in confidence without unittests.).

Please see Bret's comment about being halfway to the point of merging watir
and firewatir testsuite.
The next step is to construct a mechanism for unittests to run after the
source is turned into gems.


On Sun, Nov 9, 2008 at 4:24 PM, Chuck vdL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Nov 7, 8:43 am, Bret Pettichord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Comments inline.
> >
>  <snip>
> >> I would like to run tests after gems are installed. I think most users
> >> want to do that so they can see watir in action.
> >
> >
> >Unfortunately this is not easy to fix right now. We are about half-way
> >to the point of having a merged watir/firewatir testsuite, at which
> >point the tests will be in the commonwatir module, not watir or
> >firewatir. Would you like to help with this? I've found it to be much
> >more time consuming than I originally expected.
> I realize there are 'good reasons' for this, but from the outside
> persective of someone new to Watir, not having running unit tests
> really gives a bad impression.. it makes people question if you are
> really doing 'test first' development, and makes people wonder things
> like 'how can they know this thing even works right if it's released
> without unit tests in a running condition?"
> Do you really intend to release 1.6  (e.g. it's what gets installed if
> someone does 'gem install watir' ) without unit tests working?
> >

marekj | semantic test objects modeling in watir

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