If you subscribe to this list, you probably know how to use Watir.
The more people and companies that know and use Watir, the more
valuable your Watir skills become.  I have been thinking about ways to
get more testers to try Watir, especially people who do not consider
themselves to be test automators (yet).

What if there were some short (one or two minute) how-to screencasts
about how easy it is to get started with Watir?  For (a longer)
example, see: http://media.railscasts.com/videos/138_i18n.mov

We could post those in various places (wtr.rubyforge.com, www.watircraft.com,
anyplace anyone would host them) and give potential new users a quick
way to become familiar with Watir and gain confidence to download and
try it.

Does anyone have experience making screencasts like this?  Would
anyone be willing to take this on - try making the first Watir

Just curious,


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